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I keep seeing the initials TGN. Usually this is in reference to someone purchasing a new badger knot to restore a brush. What is the actual name or website for TGN?

From what I have been able to find, restoring a brush isn't that big of a job, not to imply that there isn't some real skill to it. Is there a thread or sticky that shows the steps involved?

I also found a site called Golden Nib as an outlet for brush restoring. Are these badger knots considered to be of the same quality as the big name brushes? I see that a lot of people are quite obsessed with buying more expensive brushes, but I still don't understand. I enjoy my $15 badger brush, but I enjoy trying different razors more. I'm afraid that an expensive brush would be wasted on me. I don't know if I would be able to tell the difference!
The TGN you are referring to, if I'm not mistaken, is the same as The Golden Nib and you can find their site here. Down on the left you will find a link to badger knots and one to shaving brush blanks. They will sell both.
I have not purchased any new brushes for quite some time. I have been re-knotting old brushes I have been finding in various places. I had just finished drilling out several Ever-Ready brush handles and I visited The Gollden Nib website to buy several knots for the brushes.

I made the mistake of looking at Tony's new products and found he is now offering butterscotch handles in several variations. I do not have a butterscotch handled shave brush so I ordered one of his handles (H-24-butt) for $20.95 and a 24 mm Finest badger knot ($22.95) to fit the handle.

This looks like it will be a great brush. I now have five, Finest badger re-knotted brushes and I believe they perform just as effectively as the more expensive Simpsons and Rooneys for a lot less money.

In my rotation I use a Simpson "Ehsan" ($115), a Rooney 3/1 ($75) and a Truefit & Hill 3/1 ($87). They all work great and I/my face cannot feel the difference between them and my re-knotted brushes.

I have three, re-knotted finest badger (TGN) 22mm brushes that I set the knot to approximately the same height as my Ehsan. The T & H, and the Rooney are several mm shorter, with slightly smaller knots, but perform just as well as the Eshan.

Because I got the older brush handles for very little, I have about $30 each invested in them with the finest badger. I will have $45 in the new butterscotch handled finest that I just ordered from TGN.

While I really like the Simpson, Eshan (It's my most expensive brush) the other brushes I re-knotted do just as well, (YMMV) for a lot less money.
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