short tail and very amateur looking tang stamp....I'm guessing it's one of their earlier blades? just a guess though
can you tell what the scales are made out of?
The whole thing looks wrong.
Not saying it's not a W&B, just saying there are too many different things going on...
I'd say the scales are not original
It looks to be a stub'ish tail but it hollow grind...
And, the stamp is taken out by the grinding...
My guess is at some point, long ago it was reground.
I was thinking re-scale as well. But I was also thinking more like acrylic or horn dyed to look like tortoise, but couldn't tell which. I know that the hot pin test can be used to test horn or plastic (smells like burning hair or burning plastic when touched to an inconspicuous place, inside where it won't be seen), but no idea how to verify genuine tortoise as I've never owned any.
you guys are awesome! that's why I like asking before I spend 15-30$ on something that will be still worth nothing after a restoreI promise you all that I WILL one day be an educated wet shaver member!!!
stub tails die out around 1840-1850. Most hollow grinds didn't start until around 1870
I don't mean for this to sound rude.....but I just stumbled across the ebay listing for this razor. Reading the item description would've at least told you that the scales are plastic, not tortoise
at the $15 you mentioned I would've grabbed for it, at the $35 they're asking for as an opening bid.....I might be just a little on the fence, but still wouldn't rule it out
Closer pics show a little bit of jaggedness on the edge, but nothing that I would assume couldn't be honed through, in case you're still considering it