Next up for a restore (pretty good looker I think!), but not sure what brand this is... any guesses if that is an R or P? I'm betting TEKTOP, but wondering if anyone else has one of these and knows for sure...
I think it had a cream boar originally. Could put that back on there but not sure yet
It is an interesting shape. I don't think a bulb shaped knot would look right, more fan shaped would be nice. I wonder how a black badger would look in there...
Well it's done. Ended up with a TGN 20mm Super in fan shape, set at 49mm. I don't have a picture of it, but man, that fan shape gets a killer bloom!
I think this will be my last restore for a bit unless I find something else really interesting. 4 brushes is enough for me I switched knots around on a couple of my other handles so I now have 2 badgers (both super, one fan and one bulb) and 2 boars (one UK cream, one UK 3 band).