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Ted Pella GEM Blades are Weeper City for Me

Okay, I hadn't shaved with a GEM in a while. I got an open-comb GEM Micromatic today in an antique store, and after cleaning it up a bit and hitting it with some Barbicide, I loaded it up with a new Ted Pella single edge blade and went to work.

Close shave, but WEEPERS from hell on my neck. This is the same thing that has happened a couple times previously when I've used the Pella blades in a GEM.

Now, I prepped pretty well with a hot shower, a towel on my face and my usual conditioner on beard while in the shower, etc.

Is it the Pella blades? Prep? I used very, very gentle to NO pressure while I was shaving, being extra careful. My Prep seems to work fine with a DE in a Gillette with Red Personnas. What other blades besides the Pella are worth trying for a single edge?

Any input is appreciated. Unfortunately, as far as I know, there are no single edge sample packs. The Pellas just don't seem to agree with me.
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I use the GEM by Personna blades from WalMart and get great results, though it is said that they are the same as the Pellas. Could just be that you are not used to the shave characteristics of the Micromatic.
I use the GEM by Personna blades from WalMart and get great results, though it is said that they are the same as the Pellas. Could just be that you are not used to the shave characteristics of the Micromatic.

It could be that I'm just not used to the characteristics of the GEM. Could be...I just thought as easy as I went and all, something else might be up. I started getting weepers on my neck from the first with the grain pass, which just doesn't seem right.
The Pella blades are very sharp. You might want to strop the blade on the heel of your hand a couple of times to smooth it out a bit (remove from razor first!). I do that now and it seems to help that "fresh blade" syndrome. I usually get the very best shave about 3-4 shaves in on a blade.

You may have muffed the angle a bit too, SE shaving is just a different beast from DE and the transition can take a few tries before you find the sweet spot.

Maybe you had goosebumps from being so excited about a GEM shave? :wink:


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I had a similar experience with a Micromatic a week or so back. I had used it before, but it had been sitting for a while so I swapped out for a brand new "GEM" Pella. Now I don't get much blood with either a DE, SE, injector or a straight, but that Micromatic with the new blade cut me like a hawg. Haven't touched it since, but the hand stropping seems to work with Feathers so I will try again .. thanks for the tip
It is pretty hard to get a good shave out of a MM your first time using this razor.
It took me about 3 times before I was satisfied with the results. I have the Treet blades, Ted Pellas, Gems, and Gem blue star.

I would rank the Ted Pellas first and then the Gems a close second. I have read on here that under the microscope, they are different blades. There isn't really much difference to me.

I think everyone should own a MM, because they shave well, once you get the hang of things
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