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Tech fat handle modification

Hi All,
I just modified a fat handle Tech and thought it might be of interest.
Like many of you, I love the Techs but have a hard time holding onto the thin handle ball end type. I bought a fat handle and it was easier to keep a grip on but I found the balance off because it is hollow and so light. So I got out my golf club building supplies and went to work.
I mixed up a large batch of epoxy and stirred in a lot of powdered lead (bismuth will work also). I drizzled this mixture into the fat Tech handle and set it in an upright position to cure. If you get a mess on the outside of the handle clean it up before it cures with a little denatured alcohol on a rag. After 24 hours the epoxy had cured and I cleared the threads out with a 10X32 tap. Now I have a fat handled Tech with a nice heft to it and easier to get a secure grip on than the thin handle ball end type.
I like it a lot!
You really don't need to go to so much trouble, you can cut apx 2 inch long pieces of solder and place them down the spindle, after about 6 they will jam and not rattle.
It really wan't that much trouble. Along with making the handle heavier, buy filling the handle with epoxy it will lock out the moisture and maybe prevent a future crack. Dan
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