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Taylors Rose formulation


B&B's Man in Italy
I'm sure TOBS Avocado has the new "paraben free" formulation.
I got it two months ago directly from Taylors.
The new Avocado is simply outstanding, as the old one.

Is there someone who knows about the Rose?
Is it already paraben free?
And, if so, how does the new version perform compared to the older one?



Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
The old Taylor's rose cream, discontinued about four years ago, was one of the best creams I ever tried. The new one- not so good.
I just purchased a tub of TOBS Rose and it does contain propylparaben.

I must say that I very much like it. I also have the T&H Rose and I like the TOBS much better.
They took out the parabens. They may have to make other changes to accommodate that. The new tub of Avocado seems to have a lighter smell, but I could be wrong. Also, the cream is not quite as dense as it was before but it is pretty dense. Performance is still very good. Word is TOBS is eventually switching all their creams to a paraben free formula.


B&B's Man in Italy
I just purchased a tub of TOBS Rose and it does contain propylparaben.

I must say that I very much like it. I also have the T&H Rose and I like the TOBS much better.

Thanks A Jameson,

That is exactly what I wanted to know.
IMHO "paraben free" is not such a bad thing. The unknown or potential link with some cancers is not to be sniffed at. Carcinogenic controversy is one thing but Estrogenic side effect :scared:

Tallow free on the other hand is down right criminal (IMHO:biggrin1:)
They took out the parabens.

Are you sure? I just bought a tube of Eton College at Merz last week, and it contains Methylparaben and Propylparaben.

Please don't tell me that there's another old stock product that I must go out and horde. I've just been through a thorough scrounging of North Chicago for CADE splash, Aqual Velva and Aqua Velva Musk.
Are you sure? I just bought a tube of Eton College at Merz last week, and it contains Methylparaben and Propylparaben.

Please don't tell me that there's another old stock product that I must go out and horde. I've just been through a thorough scrounging of North Chicago for CADE splash, Aqual Velva and Aqua Velva Musk.

Are you guys saying that the parabens have a positive effect on the formulation's efficacy, like for instance Tallow, Lanolin or Shea Butter? I thought it was really just a preservative :confused1
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in the interest of full disclosure i am not a chemist or cosmetics expert. But it seems to me that if you remove the preservative you must either remove/alter the ingredients that they were meant to preserve, or replace it with another preservative that is as effective and has the same properties in formulation.
Well stated, +1

IMHO "paraben free" is not such a bad thing. The unknown or potential link with some cancers is not to be sniffed at. Carcinogenic controversy is one thing but Estrogenic side effect :scared:

Tallow free on the other hand is down right criminal (IMHO:biggrin1:)
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