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Target.com's "Wet Shave" section

Just stumbled across this... Target.com has a sub-section under Men for "Wet Shave" - it's a predictable muddle of cartridge shaving supplies, electric trimmers, and Col. Conk products (which was news to me), but still interesting to see that someone in Marketing latched on to the term. Sign of something, maybe?
It's too bad everything we might be interested in all say "This item is available online, but is not available in stores."


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Screw them. They can keep the "wet shave" expression. I liked them better when they didn't call it that, but stocked Proraso.
They have the products online, but when I go to my local Target, all they have is cartridges and canned goo. The shaving section of my local Target is more pathetic than my local Walmart, and that's saying a lot.
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