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Ok here is my question. I have seen a lot written about tallow, and how great it is - but everything I find is not tallow based. What product is tallow based and, of course, where can you buy it?

I would like to give tallow a try....
Lanolin is the new tallow in terms of shave cream :tongue_sm
I think tallow is more of a factor in terms of performance more so in shave soaps but may stand to be corrected.

But an interesting question thats for sure
Tabac soap is tallow based and can be purchased at most of your reputable online shaving businesses.
I posted this question once and the consensus was that no creams contain tallow. Their is this one brand named "Cella" which is some type of hybrid soap/cream putty which contains tallow (I have not yet tried it, but will soon). Tallow is an animal fat. The most popular soaps that contain it are Tabac, Speick, and MWF. Only a few others contain it and they are listed in the wiki section under tallow based soaps.
tallow is beef fat, usually referring to rendered suit.

imo, animal fat soaps are the moist moisturizing and beneficial to the skin, compared to vegetable oil based soaps.

all my hand/body soaps are made with lard, and that will not change :thumbup1: (well, money talks, though) :lol:

Note: I'm not trying to sell my stuff, I don't make enough to go around, and have a exclusive contract in the works.
creams can contain tallow. potassium hydroxide is used to make liquid soap. sodium hydroxide (lye) is used to make solid soap. combined, you make cream/cream soap.

if you look at ingredients and see "potassium tallowate," that is tallow that has been saponified with potassium hydroxide. however, if you see "sodium tallowate," you have oils reacted with sodium hydroxide.

The question was not if creams could "technically" contain tallow, it was if their are any that do. Are their any shave creams that contain tallow? Excluding homemade ones?
Is beef or mutton (sheep) based. Basically, it's fat.

There is a TLC (Tallow Loving Coalition) here on B&B.

Popular (reasonably priced) soaps that contain Tallow:

Palmolive Shave Stick
Cella Crema Da Barba
Irish Moos
Williams shaving soap (ok, this one can cause some debate)
Valobra Shaving stick
Speick Shaving stick

There are more, and I'm sure more folks will speak up. Tallow is a high interest topic around here.

It is said that the Art Of Shaving soaps are still tallow-based , though their cost is higher than the above products. Cella is a bargain. Tabac has a fierce and loyal following. Arko is dirt cheap, as is Palmolive. Speick and Valobra can each be had for under 10.00

Look for the above products - and you'll find tallow. Many can be purchased at Amazon, all can be purchased from good vendors here, or in the BST forum. The Williams you can buy at CVS.
The question was not if creams could "technically" contain tallow, it was if their are any that do. Are their any shave creams that contain tallow? Excluding homemade ones?

you're right, matt, that's why i deleted my post :tongue_sm

i also am wondering if tallow is hard enough (tallow and lard make hard bars of soap), that potassium tallowate combined with sodium tallowate, renders a hard shave soap.....

you've actually helped me in my research, matt! i've been missing something! you da man!
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you're right, matt, that's why i deleted my post :tongue_sm

i also am wondering if tallow is hard enough (tallow and lard make hard bars of soap), that potassium tallowate combined with sodium tallowate, renders a hard shave soap.....

you've actually helped me in my research, matt! i've been missing something! you da man!

HAHA. I got excited for a minute because I thought you knew of a cream which contained it. I had my credit card ready. That would have made my day!
TGQ -- The Gentlemen's Quarter has an excellent tallow-based shaving cream. Their lavender is fantastic!
The question was not if creams could "technically" contain tallow, it was if their are any that do. Are their any shave creams that contain tallow? Excluding homemade ones?

Not sure what you're considering "homemade," but mytimebathandbody cream (she calls it a soap, but it is closer in consistency to cream IMHO) does contain tallow. It's rather unique among shaving products, with average shave quality.
Ok here is my question. I have seen a lot written about tallow, and how great it is - but everything I find is not tallow based. What product is tallow based and, of course, where can you buy it?

I would like to give tallow a try....
Can you explain the advantage of tallow?
The best way to understand the advantages of tallow based soaps (& creams) is to try them out. Unless you have an aversion to animal products, you can purchase one of the many popular tallow-based shaving soaps and see for yourself if this is the ingredient that makes your lathering, shaving, and moisturizing experience better than the alternatives. Cushioning also.

But the proof is in the experience...
This shaving cream is tallow based, but only available to a few close friends right now. After some more experimentation I am going to look for some beta testers. I hope to eventually start a small side business.
Popular (reasonably priced) soaps that contain Tallow:

Palmolive Shave Stick
Cella Crema Da Barba
Irish Moos
Williams shaving soap (ok, this one can cause some debate)
Valobra Shaving stick
Speick Shaving stick

No Mitchell's Wool Fat on your list? Or does it fail to meet the "Poplular)reasonably priced) criteria?

Seriously, I'm new to tallow soaps and Mitchell's is the only one I've tried. I suppose that since it has lanolin as well my perspective is skewed but wow is your skin soft when you're done shaving!
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