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Tale of the forgotten razor blade-d6e

We traveled to Richmond for the Easter weekend, leaving home Saturday morning, dinner with some family members, an overnight stay and Easter Sunday brunch with my wife's entire family. I packed a Tech and a package of Feather blades, anticipating a Sunday morning shave to look my best and pitch wet shaving to my brothers-in-law and nephews. After lathering up, imagine my surprise when I found my Feather package was empty. :ohmy: There were no blades left under the cardboard Feather label. So I shaved with my wife's Venus razor, which she has been carrying around for who knows how long. I managed a passable shave without cutting myself, thank goodness. For someone who is usually prepared and organized, I screwed up. Lesson learned. Like Maverick and his $1000 bill pinned inside his jacket, I now have a couple of blades secured in my travel kit. Razor blades--never leave home without them!
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