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I was looking into using talc, but one thing eludes me, application. Do you simply dust yourself or use a brush? I don't want to make a mess. Any one use it in place of deoderant? Looking for some help here the only use I know of is a quick dust after a haircut.
I use an unscented talc to keep my, er, nether regions dry and comfortable. I sprinkle a bit of the powder on a dry washcloth and then apply it. I know some guys here use Gold Bond powder in that area, but my skin is a bit too sensitive for that menthol sensation. I can't stand the smell of baby powder and don't really want anything with a smell for this purpose, so I was glad to find an unscented talc that works well for me.

You can get a talc brush at Sally's or use a Kabuki brush, usually used for make-up application. I have heard many people will pour some in a sock, tie it off and pat it where ever they want the talc. I have never tried the last method.
Aside from the other good ideas above, you can consider a shaker bottle to apply the talc. These can be found on ebay or just go anywhere that sells salt/pepper shakers or empty spice shakers and see what appeals to you.
I've mostly applied it by sprinkling it on a dry washcloth or handtowel that I've sort of "balled up" and then just patting my face and neck. I don't use it as deodorant. I'm pretty sure that the major difference between talcum powder and something like baby powder or gold bond powder is that talc does not have "deodorizing elements" in it.... whereas baby powder and gold bond powder does. In other words, talc will soak up the moisture and keep you dry, but baby powder or gold bond powder will not only soak up the moisture, but also soak up the odor. Therefore, I always figured talc wouldn't work too great as a deodorant. Someone correct me if I'm wrong about this.

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