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Taker's or Keeper's?

How many keep the blade in their razor, and how many take them out after each shave?

I'm a taker outer and a blade wiper with my finger under warm water and then blowing them dry kind of guy. How bout ya'll.

Ya, I know "Do Not Wipe Blade". I have ripped "all" of my tags off my pillows and mattress' too. ;)


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I remove them, rinse them, and let them dry. I just want to be sure that there is no chemical raction between my blades and my razor, no matter how slim the chances are. An exception is the first Injector razor, i bought recently,
i use a hairdryer after i rinse it to get it dry, removing the blade after every shave would be quite a chore.
I leave it in but I tend to open the doors on a TTO and lift the blade out to rinse the razor. Then I close it back up and give it few vigorous shakes. I loosen the tension on the doors when I put it away to help it dry as quickly as it can. On three piece razors, I slightly loosen it and do the same but I don't take the blade out. As I've posted in the past, I typically am done with a blade by the end of four shaves or, more typically, three. I try not to handle razor blades too much as the only thing I want to cut is the beard.
Hmm .. So far it appears my thoughts in accordance with 'the assumed' purists on B&B are wrong. I would have thought that most if not all would take the blade out and 'safely set aside'.

When I was young I did not ever take the blade out, except when replacing said blade. And now I have incorporated the removal, rinsing and finger wiping, blow drying and placing my blades on a magnet (stainless will attract to) as part of my daily routine.

I'll wait several days before I form a conclusion to. ;)

Carry On..:a14:
Hmm .. So far it appears my thoughts in accordance with 'the assumed' purists on B&B are wrong. I would have thought that most if not all would take the blade out and 'safely set aside'.

When I was young I did not ever take the blade out, except when replacing said blade. And now I have incorporated the removal, rinsing and finger wiping, blow drying and placing my blades on a magnet (stainless will attract to) as part of my daily routine.

I'll wait several days before I form a conclusion to. ;)

Carry On..:a14:
Purist? That certainly doesn't describe me. I just wing it. Grin.

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Just a thought but would a guy shaving with a straight just put it back in the sleeve without doing anything to it? :001_cool:

(Now watch em come out of the woodwork)
I'm a taker outer, cleaner, dryer, re-wrapper, & blade flipper. Everytime. My routine after the shave concerning the blade:

1. Rinse razor & blade under running water
2. Dip both razor & blade assembled together in alcohol.
3. Take out blade & set it to air dry while cleaning up razor.
4. When done cleaning, drying, & hanging razor back up, then I get the paper or wax wrapper the blade comes in & carefully put it back in
5. With a sharpie, I put a dot on outside of wrapper after each each use to track it
6. Put wrapped blade into its home with other blades & razors inside an elegant cigar box

I really enjoy the whole process of traditional wet shaving, even the clean up!
Taker. I rinse the blade, flip it & pat dry. Rinse the head & baseplate & wipe dry then wipe the handle and it back together for my next shave.
I'm a taker outer, cleaner, dryer, re-wrapper, & blade flipper. Everytime. My routine after the shave concerning the blade:

1. Rinse razor & blade under running water
2. Dip both razor & blade assembled together in alcohol.
3. Take out blade & set it to air dry while cleaning up razor.
4. When done cleaning, drying, & hanging razor back up, then I get the paper or wax wrapper the blade comes in & carefully put it back in
5. With a sharpie, I put a dot on outside of wrapper after each each use to track it
6. Put wrapped blade into its home with other blades & razors inside an elegant cigar box

I really enjoy the whole process of traditional wet shaving, even the clean up!

ShavePastor, you are what I was expecting the average guy on B&B to answer with. I like your way of thinking. :)
Crazy to see what some people will do with a $0.10 blade. Mine stays in the razor. I shake the excess water and leave it on the shelf until the next shave. My only exception is carbon blades, which I do remove and pat dry, then put back in the razor. Otherwise those things can rust before I even get a second shave.
Crazy to see what some people will do with a $0.10 blade. Mine stays in the razor. I shake the excess water and leave it on the shelf until the next shave. My only exception is [carbon blades], which I do remove and pat dry, then put back in the razor. Otherwise those things can rust before I even get a second shave.

Old habits die hard. ;)
I take the blade out of the razor, rinse it and blow hard to get rid of excess moisture, then I put the blade in a different razor and leave it in there ready for my next shave..........
After my next shave, I repeat the process
Over the years, I have seen so many routines with razor blades. One member PMed me about his routine. His was the most elaborate I have seen. He would take the blade out of the razor, rinse it under hot water, spray Scrubbing Bubbles on it, rinse it off again under hot water, pat it dry, dip it in rubbing alcohol, and then store it on paper towels. He flipped his blades so when he was ready to shave he turned the blades over. Then he would strop the blades before he used it the next time. He PMed me in response to my posting about Gillette saying not to wipe blades. He was proud that he could get more than 20 shaves from a blade.

My routine is to rinse the razor with the blade in the razor under hot water put the razor aside when I clean up and then dip the razor with the blade in it in rubbing alcohol.
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