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I rinse the razor under water before taking it apart and drying it off. I then pat the blade dry with a towel and put it back into the razor to be ready for the next shave.

I figure the edge is safer here in the razor then out of the razor where it could get bumped or damaged somehow. Plus my razors stay looking like brand new this way.

I figure as much time and effort it took to clean some of my vintage Gillette razors, why let the appearance slide? And I don't. ;)
Take it out, I have over 60 razors and never know when I will get back to the razor I used on any given day.

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Take it out, I have over 60 razors and never know when I will get back to the razor I used on any given day.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Awesome, and I like the idea of a guy using and not just collecting. What's that old saying? You can't take it with you? :) So we'd better use it up. ;)
Leave it in.
Those of you who take them out after each shave - did you notice problems leaning them in?
I have never noticed anything... Of course, I might not be the most observant person in the world!
If you had hard water you would immediately notice the problem of scum and limescale build up. Therefore a quick wipe of the blade is part of the after shave procedure for me.
I left a blade in for 3 days once. Even though I rinsed it well after each shave, when I opened my razor I was disgusted by how it looked, so never again.
If you had hard water you would immediately notice the problem of scum and limescale build up. Therefore a quick wipe of the blade is part of the after shave procedure for me.
I left a blade in for 3 days once. Even though I rinsed it well after each shave, when I opened my razor I was disgusted by how it looked, so never again.

Exactly, hardwater and calcium deposits are the "debil" ;) when it comes to our razors and our blades. I remember the old FatBoy I had and I didn't take the blade out nor did I clean the razor after I used it and it was a scummy looking mess, and the blade?. At the time I was probably using it about every 10 days. ;)

Anywho, the vintage razors I have now have been meticulously cleaned by the sellers and again by myself after receiving them, and I'm not going to let the dirty razor get in the way of "The Good Shave". Not gonna let it happen.:001_tt2:
After each shave, I remove the blade, rinse it well, and pat it dry. I rinse and wipe off the razor cap and baseplate. After flipping the blade, I replace it. I generally go 4-5 shaves with a given blade at most unless it's feeling rough before then.
After each shave, I remove the blade, rinse it well, and pat it dry. I rinse and wipe off the razor cap and baseplate. After flipping the blade, I replace it. I generally go 4-5 shaves with a given blade at most unless it's feeling rough before then.

You know that printing on the blade wrapper? The part where it says "DO NOT WIPE"? I wipe the soap / scum / noxema / dead skin off before I blow them dry. Finger held 'pfffff' 'pfffff' 'pffff' and they're dry and then I stick'm on my magnet. ;)
I'm wiping the razor cap and baseplate, not so much the blade. Having said that, if I notice any schmutz on the blade that didn't rinse off easily, I'm not above wiping it off (from midpoint of blade toward the edge) with a finger.
I'm wiping the razor cap and baseplate, not so much the blade. Having said that, if I notice any schmutz on the blade that didn't rinse off easily, I'm not above wiping it off (from midpoint of blade toward the edge) with a finger.

Confident is he who wipes with his fingers. :laugh:
I take the blade out to pat dry and completely dry off the razor before putting it back. This keeps the razor looking nice and it's also ready for the next shave.
I take the blade out to pat dry and completely dry off the razor before putting it back. This keeps the razor looking nice and it's also ready for the next shave.

My kind of guy. :thumbsup: You take the time to research which razor suits your needs or desires, you buy that razor. Now comes the time to protect and to take care of that purchase. :001_cool: There are many vintage Gillette razors out there but the ones that are worth acquiring are becoming fewer and fewer.

Now if you like the new razors, and you have a pocket full of money? When you get done shaving just leave the blade in until the next shave (whenever that may be). :) Or if that razor get too scummy and dirty, you can just throw that one away and buy a new one. :001_tongu
I leave them in the razor, after a few years of safety razor shaving the novelty will wear off and it will just become plain old "shavin'" again .. you will probably leave them in too by then LOL
I leave them in the razor, after a few years of safety razor shaving the novelty will wear off and it will just become plain old "shavin'" again .. you will probably leave them in too by then LOL

After 60 years of shaving, yes, the novelty has worn off. Now I shave because it's the only thing physical that I'm able to do. ;) Now I shave because I want to shave and not because I have to shave. And? I still remove the blade after each shave, wipe the blade with finger and warm water, blow the blade dry wwwww wwwww and towel dry my razor and set aside head down and open. :)

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