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Tabac does it all....now including ghostly images

I've been working my way through a puck of Tabac. I have a brand new one which is sitting in its official Tabac glass bowl (as a rule I never buy the bowl the first time around with any soap) so I am anxious to finish off my existing puck which lives in an Anchor Hocking glass bowl. There is barely a sliver left and I noticed I could see the bottom of the bowl in a few places but it still produces amazing lather. The cheap-*** in me simply can't throw good product away!:001_tongu

Today, I hold the bowl up to the light and what do I see? Jack Skellington! The protagonist from The Nightmare Before Christmas! :w00t:


I think we know what this means. We must worship at the altar of Tabac! For this is a sign...

:ouch1::ouch1::ouch1::ouch1: TABAC!

The end (of the puck) is near! Repent and make sure you are stocked up on refills!
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Awesome post!

And it makes me feel better, I thought I was nuts for seeing Foghorn Leghorn in my Old Spice puck...
LOL. I can't say enough about this soap. I swear, if Tabac was discontinued, I would trade all of my English Fern's for them even up. Luckily, it is still around and the day I hear they are reformulating, i will buy 50 pucks enough for me, my brother, and both of our young sons, to last us our lifetimes. It is simply the best. BTW, a rule of thumb....anything made in Germany and Japan is usually pretty good.
I couldn't agree anymore with AJ72. I really haven't found a soap in the same league as tabac. Again, we should never speak of... reformulation! :ohmy:
I like Tabac, but actually haven't shaved with it in a while. Definitely a darn good soap, but the scent is take it or leave it and lately I've been leaving it. :ohmy:


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Next time, you will see Danny Elfman on your toast... :lol:
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