Does anyone use one on a regular basis? I don't know if we have any Vegans around these parts or not. I'm a big fan of my Men-U premiere. It really is a lather machine when used properly.
I have a Parker Synthetic I got from Amazon and it is a regular in my rotation. Very good brush IMHO.
the only two brushes i currently own are a Muhle Silvertip Fibre and a Muhle Black Fibre. the Silvertip has a ton of backbone and is indeed quite soft at the tips, but the very stiff bristles in the middle basically force you to use only painting motions, swirling motions on your face are nearly impossible. so it's excellent for bowl lathering and performs great with any product, but probably borderline useless for face lathering. it's an excellent product and it's beautiful, i love it. the black fibre is INCREDIBLY soft and has absolutely ZERO scritch, but it has very little backbone as well. i have only used it about 5 times now so i don't know whether it'll easily lather hard soaps without a lot of help from soaking and/or grating, but it's an amazingly high-quality, EXTRAORDINARILY soft brush if you use soft soaps or creams.
I have both a Muhle Silver tip fibre and a U-Men. I feel the Muhle is really better.I really want to try a Men U. I have and use a Muhle Black Fibre, Muhle Synthetic Silvertip, and a Frank Shaving Synthetic on a regular basis.
Thanks guys! I really jumped into the Men-U with very little research. But I do like it. I've never had anything great by the standard of what is out there. So I guess anything could have been a step up from my previous brushes. I would like to find an honest review of this brush by a fellow B&B member.
So, I have a Frank Shaving Synthetic brush that is driving me crazy. I get it wet and can load it with soaps/creams just fine. The problem is applying the said soaps/cremes to my face. I face lather and the darn brush will not splay out any, it just stays like a soft tipped candle and I just can't develop a good lather.
Anybody have some tips/hints to help a guy out?
... the black fibre is INCREDIBLY soft and has absolutely ZERO scritch, but it has very little backbone as well. ... it's an amazingly high-quality, EXTRAORDINARILY soft brush...