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SWMBO on Arko

Regarding Arko...

"Eww. Smells like the soap they used to clean the high school bathrooms"


"... can you get rid of it?"
The short answer is yes...somebody on the boards will take it off your hands and make her happy!

Tell her I'm not wild about the scent either...but it lathers like a demon!
Can I get rid of it?... yes, sure, but I won't.

I'm using it to break in a Semogue Owners Club Boar Brush at the moment. And it stays in my rotation for when we're apart or perhaps when I take her to a high school reunion and she won't notice.

Arko seems to be breaking in my SOC faster than MWF. Have no idea why. Absence of lanolin?

Besides, the SOC is hanging up conspicuously overhead and she hasn't said a word... not a peep, not an eye roll. But I know it's coming... she's thinking of something clever. I can just feel it.


I'm prepared for when she does say something. I hope to be under it with a BBS... and say, why it's Mistletoe from Portugal... and well, you know the rest.
hahaha, it's pretty bad. But it's not THAT bad.

On the bright side, it delivers such a nice shave, that once she feels your face she may forgive the scent!
I compare the scent to urinal pucks. But, arko stick is much like "The Veg" in that respect, some are chosen some are not. But, if you let it air out for several weeks, the scent does die down at least a little. For me, anyhow, that helped alot and as noted above, it lathers like all get out AND contains tallow. So, I can put up with a little Eau d'Toilet Cleaner.
You could get rid of it. But tell her, you'll have to replace it and then you have her approval for whatever you've been eyeballing. :lol:
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