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SWMBO has stolen my hobby!

My lady has recently become fascinated with my shaving routine, and has even stolen my old Merkur 1904 open comb razor to start shaving her legs. Using my creams too! However... I had to draw the line when she grabbed for my badger brush. Some things must remain for me, and me alone.
I know how you feel. I found a 50's ball end tech in very good condition, and I showed it to my wife and she goes "that is mine". She has even told me she might want to use a straight on her legs :blink:. Only cream she does not like is my Arko Ice Mint. Which is good for me, because I really enjoy that cream.
Man how do you guys get them started?? I've been trying here and there but I've had no success. I'd love to see her stop buying carts and go for a better, cheaper shave.
It always helps when the wifes on board. At least my wife loves the way my display case looks in the bathroom.
I saw a 67lady gillette blue star on ebay (ended with a price of under 30 bucks and looked to be in great condition) and I asked my wife if she would be interested in making the switch and she said no. I guess she wants to use up my M3's and Hydros that I gave her when I converted. So I'm safe at the moment. I think I;d draw the line on the brushes too.
I saw a 67lady gillette blue star on ebay (ended with a price of under 30 bucks and looked to be in great condition) and I asked my wife if she would be interested in making the switch and she said no. I guess she wants to use up my M3's and Hydros that I gave her when I converted. So I'm safe at the moment. I think I;d draw the line on the brushes too.

I saw Vulfix sells a ladies shaving set. Includes a rose cream, a pink handled boar and a pink handled mach 3. Ive seen ladies DE razors... but thats the first full kit ive seen specifically designed for women. But then again.... i dont actively search for such things so im sure its not the first.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I saw a 67lady gillette blue star on ebay (ended with a price of under 30 bucks and looked to be in great condition) and I asked my wife if she would be interested in making the switch and she said no. I guess she wants to use up my M3's and Hydros that I gave her when I converted. So I'm safe at the moment. I think I;d draw the line on the brushes too.

Shoulda got the blue star anyway. It is a nice face shaver. She might have eventually picked it up out of curiousity. If not, no biggie... it joins your rotation. $30 is a bit high though, unless it is in very nice condition. The only one I ever had went $10 on ebay.
The wife has agreed to try an SE pif'd by a member here after the lady Gillette was a flop. Hopefully that'll do the trick, though I already have to order her Cella and a custom brush. I swear I was saving money until she wanted me to get her things.
Let her take your brush so you can get a new one!

Everything I have read and watched about DE shaving is it's about being a "man". Well brother, it's time to man up and buy her a nice Silvertip Badger and some nice C&E Lavender Shave soap. You will be "all man" after you give her such a lovely gift....then you buy what YOU want when she's not looking.
Man how do you guys get them started?? I've been trying here and there but I've had no success. I'd love to see her stop buying carts and go for a better, cheaper shave.
She says she wants to save money, and it is cool too. Told me that the is not many women that say can say the shave with a safety razor. Also says she gets a much closer shave, and hardly any razor burns too.
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