I'm currently afflicted with ASAD. While I wouldn't say I'm suffering from it, I think SWMBO is. I like the smell of bay rum and other barbershop scents. Whenever I get a new AS and have her give it a whiff, she always says the same thing: "It smells like an old man."
She has a VERY strong sniffer, but I, unfortunately, do not. I have a deviated septum, so I'm already at a disadvantage when it comes to scents.
So I come to you, fellow B&B'ers. Do you have any suggestions as to what I could try that's not so old-fashioned, and yet doesn't smell like a Justin Beiber concert? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
She has a VERY strong sniffer, but I, unfortunately, do not. I have a deviated septum, so I'm already at a disadvantage when it comes to scents.
So I come to you, fellow B&B'ers. Do you have any suggestions as to what I could try that's not so old-fashioned, and yet doesn't smell like a Justin Beiber concert? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!