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Swedish Snus

So, I see there are ton's of pipe smokers and cigar smokers on the forum, but are there any Swedish snus users?

I smoked cigarettes for almost 20 years and in the last 10 years of my smoking habit, tried every known remedy for quitting....and failed. Then one day several years ago I found Swedish snus online, and was amazed that this product wasn't so mainstream here in the U.S. I figured it had something to do with big tobacco and lobbyists, lol.

I placed and order, which was promptly shipped and received and quit smoking a week later, and haven't smoked a cigarette since...haven't even really wanted one. I just love Swedish snus, and it's complexity of flavors, not to mention the endless variety. Although the FDA is quickly trying to limit that.

Since that day, now I work for the company that imports Swedish snus to the U.S. and distributes it nationwide. Isn't life funny? I absolutely love this product and it's harm reduction attributes, and if you don't know about it...please google Swedish snus and check it out. I'm by no means an anti-smoking nazi either, as I still enjoy a good cigar from time to time, so don't think I'm just trying to get everyone to quit smoking....not the case. However, there are 45 million smokers in America that currently smoke, and I'm guessing that at least half of them have tried once or more to quit smoking cigarettes...Swedish snus can help.

Mods...not trying to sell any product here...just wondering if there were any other snusers on the site.

I currently have a Jakobsson's Mint Strong in my mouth...and I'm loving it :w00t:
I've been using snus on and off the last 4-5 years, I usually smoke cigarettes during summer and use snus during winter.
My preferred brand is regular "General"

(I also enjoy a pipe or a good cigar occasionally, in periods I only smoke my pipe)
Okay...don't know how I missed Rob's post. He's a friend and I didn't know he was a member here, lol. Actually I see lot's of people I know from another snus forum I'm a member of.

I like General products, they're good. Gen. Ekstra Sterk is probably one of my favorite snus flavors. However, I'm quickly becoming a fan of the Jakobsson's Mint Strong. I've never been much on flavored snus, but this one has a subtle herbal undertone that I'm liking. Not to mention, plenty of vitamin N.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Is Rob still active on the snus forum? He gave us that epic post and then disappeared shortly thereafter.
Is Rob still active on the snus forum? He gave us that epic post and then disappeared shortly thereafter.

yeah I see him from time to time, the problem is that I'm not that active on the snus forum anymore, lol. I'm too busy getting the U.S. distribution set up to go online and talk about it.

Rob very recently published a new magazine called The Snuff Takers Ephemeris, it's pretty much about all things smokeless tobacco. Their first issue was fantastic, nothing too glitzy either...almost retro looking. Very good articles. Google it and give it a read.

I need to call him actually, lol.

My wife said that when I found Swedish snus, it was my hobby. When snus became my job...I had to find another hobby, and that's when I began DE shaving, and here I am. How funny

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
As much as I'd like to take credit for that epic thread, I'm not that Rob. :laugh:

I am the other Rob that does the magazine though, and Rick does need to call me. :lol:

Welcome (not Clubman) Rob. Where can someone find your magazine? I've never snused (is that what it's called?) before but I'd like to read it.
beat me to it...

yeah I see him from time to time, the problem is that I'm not that active on the snus forum anymore, lol. I'm too busy getting the U.S. distribution set up to go online and talk about it.

Rob very recently published a new magazine called The Snuff Takers Ephemeris, it's pretty much about all things smokeless tobacco. Their first issue was fantastic, nothing too glitzy either...almost retro looking. Very good articles. Google it and give it a read.

I need to call him actually, lol.

My wife said that when I found Swedish snus, it was my hobby. When snus became my job...I had to find another hobby, and that's when I began DE shaving, and here I am. How funny
that is a funny twist, indeed!

I've tried the Camel SNUS, and though it pales to the Swedish SNUS I've tried, it's not bad for a quick don't_have_to_order deal. I'm not much a tobacco person, I'll have approximately 1 can of Hawken per year, but I've gone through about 4 tins of Camel SNUS, 1 of General and 1 of another, I don't recall the brand, but it's called "Wine and Dine", which is my favorite so far. I'd like to get some more, but it's such a jump-through-hoops ordeal right now (no one who knows me personally knows I've tried any of these :shifty:), so another distributor option sounds good to me! :thumbup1:
I've been pretty involved with snus since Rob (clubman) published the article here.

I went through 40 or so different varieties, before settling on a few favorites.

Welcome Rob & Rick!

Rick, how is it you've made Snus your job?
I quit a 30 year cigarette addiction with the help of Sweedish snus. That was over a year ago and I still enjoy snussing. The American versions, Camel and Marlboro are cheap impersonations of the real thing. I enjoy both los and portions. The damn PACT act put the screws to the purchasing of some my favorites like Skruf, unless I order from Sweden, but I can get Ettan, Gotlandssnus, and General domestically so I'm happy. SWMBO still thinks the use of any nicotine delivery system is disgusting but at least there's no smoke and I get a big kick out of sitting at my desk at work enjoying a nic hit while the smokers are out in the elements getting theirs. :thumbup:
I quit a 30 year cigarette addiction with the help of Sweedish snus. That was over a year ago and I still enjoy snussing. The American versions, Camel and Marlboro are cheap impersonations of the real thing. I enjoy both los and portions. The damn PACT act put the screws to the purchasing of some my favorites like Skruf, unless I order from Sweden, but I can get Ettan, Gotlandssnus, and General domestically so I'm happy. SWMBO still thinks the use of any nicotine delivery system is disgusting but at least there's no smoke and I get a big kick out of sitting at my desk at work enjoying a nic hit while the smokers are out in the elements getting theirs. :thumbup:

Me too! :biggrin:

i've never been a serious smoker, but it's very clear after spending some time with snus, that there is VERY LITTLE health risk.

I miss Skruf too, that is some killer snus. However, im still very happy with General and Goteborgs Rape.

I have been wanting to try some Swedish portion, can anyone recommended a vendor / flavor.

The primary vendor is currently www.northerner.com, i think they've got sample packs, and really it's hard to miss, they're almost all terriffic.

for starters i would stick with Swedish Match brands:
General original and white portions
Goteborgs Rape & Goteborgs Rape #2
Tre Ankre
Roda Lacket

Even with the new tax and shipping. Tins come in at around $6.50 each, which hurts in relation to how inexpensive it used to be, but is still deal for how great this product is.
I have been wanting to try some Swedish portion, can anyone recommended a vendor / flavor.

Yeah I'm pretty partial to Northerner as an online vendor, as I am the Dir. of US Sales/Distribution for their sister company Northerner Scandinavia, Inc. Our job is to import and sell to distributors and retailers so that you all can go down to your local tobacconist and purchase your Swedish snus.

I agree that the American "versions" of snus are weak imitations at best, the flavor is off, there's virtually no free nicotine and the portion material is garbage. That's the main reason we as a company decided to bring snus to brick and mortars here in the U.S.
I quit a 30 year cigarette addiction with the help of Sweedish snus. That was over a year ago and I still enjoy snussing. The American versions, Camel and Marlboro are cheap impersonations of the real thing. I enjoy both los and portions. The damn PACT act put the screws to the purchasing of some my favorites like Skruf, unless I order from Sweden, but I can get Ettan, Gotlandssnus, and General domestically so I'm happy. SWMBO still thinks the use of any nicotine delivery system is disgusting but at least there's no smoke and I get a big kick out of sitting at my desk at work enjoying a nic hit while the smokers are out in the elements getting theirs. :thumbup:

Where do you live? You're doing great if you can still get Ettan (in my mouth right now) and Gotlandssnus. I too love how discreet it is, I often give entire presentations to distributors, or wholesalers with a portion in. Then I tell them that I have it in, most times they can't believe it. Just an example of how discreet ;)
Welcome (not Clubman) Rob. Where can someone find your magazine? I've never snused (is that what it's called?) before but I'd like to read it.

Hi Commander Quan! I'm not sure if it's cool with the mods or not, but as Darth Flader posted, our site is www.STephemeris.com or www.snuffmagazine.org. If I'm in any violation of posting etiquette, please feel free to delete the addresses, as I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to spam or whatnot.

Indeed, we are sold out of the first issue, and our second issue will hit the stands February 1st, if not sooner. We'll start taking pre-orders in mid-January.

It's about time you showed up, fool! I've been pimping the ephemeris here for a while now.

Oh gee, I thought this was a classy place until I see they let you in. :)

LOL, I'll give you a call tomorrow, you gonna be around?

Yes sir, call me on the house phone. My cell reception sucks in the new apartment.

Welcome Rob & Rick!

Thank you Josh! You guys have a great forum here. I'm a hairy hippy myself, so while the shaving talk doesn't stir me, the speakeasy sections are top notch. ;)

Rob (Clubman) is indeed a close friend (he's my second cousin), and he's the man who got me into snus several years ago. He got married last year and he and his better half have relocated to Denmark. I'm trying to get him to do a couple of articles for the magazine but he doesn't like our pay scale. :)

I have been wanting to try some Swedish portion, can anyone recommended a vendor / flavor.

Rick can correct me if I'm wrong, but the Northerner is running a special on General sampler packs. They're some good folks there, too (except for that Rick Charles guy. He's a little on the shady side...)
Rick can correct me if I'm wrong, but the Northerner is running a special on General sampler packs. They're some good folks there, too (except for that Rick Charles guy. He's a little on the shady side...)

Yeah gotta watch him, lol. Call ya tomorrow. As for the samplers, yeah they have a pretty good deal, head on over to the site and check it out. The guys that run the site are fantastic people to deal with. I'm the U.S. distribution guy, they don't let me play with the computers, lol....rightfully so too :)
I am also a snuser :thumbup: the only thing that helped to stop smoking, I have now a home made portion of thunder ES frosted :thumbup:
Yes and no. Snus can be frozen for up to a year with no loss in quality, and it doesn't go bad if you keep it refridgerated. If you have a can open for a long time, it does eventually dry out, but you can easily rehydrate it by sprinkling a little water in it. Overall, it's much more stable than Copenhagen.
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