Received a swaty razor hone today from a fellow b&b'er via the BST. Unfortunately I didn't have any homes left from my last straight razor experience, but it appeared that the "shave ready" straights I purchased recently were more suited to pulling hair out of my face than cutting.
Anyways, I slapped some lather on my new swaty, let the razors slide across a few times and voila! All of a sudden the HHT was no problem anymore (before, my 4/8 revisor for example could not manage it at all and my 5/8 garantie Solingen was a struggle.
in a sad way I can't wait to use it again lol! Is there any reason to use a pasted strop after the swaty or should it be fine as it is?
Anyways, I slapped some lather on my new swaty, let the razors slide across a few times and voila! All of a sudden the HHT was no problem anymore (before, my 4/8 revisor for example could not manage it at all and my 5/8 garantie Solingen was a struggle.
in a sad way I can't wait to use it again lol! Is there any reason to use a pasted strop after the swaty or should it be fine as it is?