So I have a coticule and I absolutely love it. Its nice and hard and cuts fast too. It produces super smooth shaves. However, I recently acquired a surgical black/hard black arkie. It is a vintage one and I really couldn't tell you how old it is. It is also somewhat translucent as light will shine through it although not much like a true trans ark because it is black.
I used it after my coticule because it is definitely finer than my coti but it just seems to not really do anything to the edge. I did about 200 laps with sewing machine oil and it just doesn't seem to do anything. Should I use a higher grit stone before I go to the ark?
I used it after my coticule because it is definitely finer than my coti but it just seems to not really do anything to the edge. I did about 200 laps with sewing machine oil and it just doesn't seem to do anything. Should I use a higher grit stone before I go to the ark?