So last weekend I won a Super Speed with no date code, from what I gather that means it was made in the late 40's, and I received it today at work. Before I get into that let me back-track a bit.
The last you guys heard from me I was getting rather irritated at the all of the in-growns and uncomfortable shaves. Well I started using the prep that everyone suggested (Kyle's maybe...? I've slept since then and have seemed to have forgotten.) and managed to start getting a pretty routine SAS with my Merkur. Hopped on a week or two ago and read someone's post about Speick and decided to order a tube and give it a go. I was relatively impressed with it the first few times I used it and therefor content with my purchase.
So like I said, today I received my Super Speed and was rather excited to give it a go. Prep went as follows: (1) Hot rag, roughly 30 seconds in the microwave after getting it damp, held on the face for about a minute and a half. (2) Rinsed face with hot water and mixed up a good later with my VDH soap and brush. Lathered the face and slapped another hot rag on for another minute or so. (3) Rinsed the soap off with hot water and threw a little Speick into my bowl. Mixed up a nice lather of VDH soap and Speick, lathered up and went to town with my Super Speed with a Blue Israeli. I hadn't shaved in a while so I had some serious stubble that I hacked away this morning and ran over it with once WTG pass because I was running late to work so I didn't have too much left to take care of when I took to it with my SS. 1 WTG, 2 ATG, and that gentlemen was my first BBS. There were a few weepers adjusting to the new and much lighter razor but I am quite impressed with it. I think that I might prefer the lighter razor to my Merkur. We'll see if my opinion changes after a few more shaves with it.
Though my last post was whiney and I was hovering closely to the line of giving up and selling my things I am glad that I kept with it! Thanks for the support fellows, it was/is greatly appreciated.
The last you guys heard from me I was getting rather irritated at the all of the in-growns and uncomfortable shaves. Well I started using the prep that everyone suggested (Kyle's maybe...? I've slept since then and have seemed to have forgotten.) and managed to start getting a pretty routine SAS with my Merkur. Hopped on a week or two ago and read someone's post about Speick and decided to order a tube and give it a go. I was relatively impressed with it the first few times I used it and therefor content with my purchase.
So like I said, today I received my Super Speed and was rather excited to give it a go. Prep went as follows: (1) Hot rag, roughly 30 seconds in the microwave after getting it damp, held on the face for about a minute and a half. (2) Rinsed face with hot water and mixed up a good later with my VDH soap and brush. Lathered the face and slapped another hot rag on for another minute or so. (3) Rinsed the soap off with hot water and threw a little Speick into my bowl. Mixed up a nice lather of VDH soap and Speick, lathered up and went to town with my Super Speed with a Blue Israeli. I hadn't shaved in a while so I had some serious stubble that I hacked away this morning and ran over it with once WTG pass because I was running late to work so I didn't have too much left to take care of when I took to it with my SS. 1 WTG, 2 ATG, and that gentlemen was my first BBS. There were a few weepers adjusting to the new and much lighter razor but I am quite impressed with it. I think that I might prefer the lighter razor to my Merkur. We'll see if my opinion changes after a few more shaves with it.
Though my last post was whiney and I was hovering closely to the line of giving up and selling my things I am glad that I kept with it! Thanks for the support fellows, it was/is greatly appreciated.