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Summer reading?

Ok, I’m going on a trip this summer. Going to spend some time in airports and air planes. I'm looking for a good summertime read. Nothing too deep or historic. definitely nothing religious. An enjoyable page turner. Thanks in advance.
I really enjoyed All the Sinners Bleed by Crosby earlier this year if you like crime/thrillers. Easy to read, though good prose and deep thoughts sprinkled in as well.

I’ve not read anything on the lighter end recently though, so no help there. Any examples of the type of things you’d like to read?
I tend to like historical fictions and my current favourite is Rory Clements, who has two themes - John Shakespeare (brother to the author wrongly attributed to certain plays that I hated at school) and Tom Wilde, a history professor at Cambridge during WW2, and I would recommend these without qualification, however, in deference to your nothing historic, I would give Damascus Station a massive thumbs up. The author is an ex-CIA analyst and seems to know what he is talking about.
Stephen King has a new book of 12 short stories (You Like It Darker) coming out on Tuesday (5/21). I was a big SK fan in the 1980s, but I thought his writing went downhill around 1990. I haven't enjoyed the few SK books I've read since. I did pre-order this one, the first SK bought in over a decade. I was mainly interested in a story called Rattlesnakes, which is billed as a sequel to Cujo.
James by Percival Everett is one I really liked that seems nearly universally liked, that fits your criteria. I concur re Gentleman in Moscow.
Depending on your age, a book I enjoy and often revisit is The Fifties by David Halberstam. A large book, but chapters don't have to be read in order. Another is Sherlock Homes (58 short stories and 4 novels).
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