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Suits Online ?

Anyone purchased a suit online unseen? Anyone have suggestions?

There are some tempting sales and options for name brand suits around. I can't decide if it is bogus or not. It does seem like a potential nightmare. Hickey Freeman is one of my preferences.

I need a couple of standard business suits.
I have done it before but on a brand that I currently own so I knew how it was going to fit (before the tailor) Being an off size (FAT) I dont think I would buy a new style or brand with out trying it on first. As far as if it will be a knock off or not just buy from a rep. seller and you should be fine.
Suits might be that one thing you'd want to be present .Gilt is good because you get a free return shipping at least
It's not on line, but other option for you:

I have many times been in a Joseph A. Banks, but never bought. Just last night I bought a suit there, and was one of the most professional fittings I ever had. I would never pay their normal prices, but now (at least at my store and I assume nation wide) they have a buy one suit, get two free sale. If your in the market for more than one suit and you have one near you, I highly recommend it.

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