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suggestions for SWMBO

im trying to get her a set so that way she can get to it she has a gillette venus and gets good results but i want her to try this way. any ideas for brush, soap/cream, and razor:a45:
Offer to shave her legs for her first! :001_smile

Let her feel how good a shave she can get with a DE...SWMBO has reported that she feels stubble free for much longer than she used to.

SWMBO loves using the British Tech I gave her, loaded with Derbys (although she uses them for far too long! I just change the blade every now and then without telling her :lol:). She thinks using a brush is a bit too much, so I PIF'd her my Real Shaving Co cream :blush: If I do the lather for her, I use a boar brush, she finds my Tweezerman a bit too prickly.

KMF creams seem to be pretty popular with the ladies.
My wife uses a Venus as well and used it with some kind of canned foam. I suggested that she try my KMF Key Lime last week and after one try she pitched her canned foam. She couldn't believe how much more smooth her legs were after the shave. I think she'll stick with the Venus, because she has no complaints and thinks I'm kind of overboard with the DE thing. But she's picking up a pump bottle of KMF this week and that's a minor victory! Now our house will be entirely "canned goo" free.
I bought my wife a Lady Gillette, and she only used it sporadically until her MachIII cartridges finally ran out, kicking and screaming, gunked up from months of use. Too cheap to buy new carts, she started using it out of necessity because it was the only option at hand, but to her it's just a tool. She'd go back to carts if they were cheap and available.

I did notice that she's been using some of the latherless creams I've got lying around from my sampling days, which is a nice change from the cold water she used to use <shudder>. Doubt that I'll ever get her using a brush, she's too prosaic about the whole process, not into the whole 'experience'.
KMF creams seem to be pretty popular with the ladies.


My mother, who now knows to be on the lookout for shaving stuff for me, raved about a thing of KMF she found in the back of her toiletries closet a couple of weeks ago.
I got my GF a 1960's Lady Gillette Blue Star of of ebay. She says she uses it. These razors pop up on B/S/T every so often and can be purchased for reasonable prices.

The day before I gave it to her she cut her finger badly on my Merkur HD. It was two in the morning, she went to the bathroom, and decided that her armpits needed to be shaved. The HD was on the counter so she used it. Unfortunatly she wiped her finger across the blade/guide bar to clear the razor of hair (I'm told you can do this with a women's cartridge razor). You can imagine the rest, including how I had to locate a band-aid in the dark without the my contacts.
I recently bought Lady Eversharps for my wife and daughter. They love them! :thumbup1: They also use KMF.

I hear good things about the Lady Gillette too, but the Eversharp seemed safer for their use. The single edge smaller head is more like what they are used to so it was easy for them to get a great shave straight away :001_smile
My wife uses a Lady Gillette, my old VDH Boar, and a pump of AoS Rose Absolute. Didn't take her long to pitch the old Venus and canned goop.

She really seems to understand the obsession, which is good.
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