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Suggestions for next soap purchase

Hey Guys,

I'm looking for research suggestions for my next round of soap purchases; I'm looking for something that is a hard soap/croap and that makes a nice lather. I'm partial to MWF, Klar Kabinett, C&E Sienna and Nomad. I have a few samples of Mikes and while they lather great, of the samples I have the scents really haven't done it for me (Barbershop, Lime, Lily of the Valley, Lavandin and Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Rosemary and O/C/P) - nothing I've tried would be replaced in my den.

What else would you guys recommend?

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I'd suggest samples from Mystic Water, Coconut Lime Verbina is one of my summertime soaps, and the wonderful Adirondack Jack is my cool weather soap. However, that is not to say either or aren't suitable to either or...:biggrin1:
Budget: I would check out the new Stirling soaps, Wild cherry, Anise, Lime, Tuscanny, Barbershoppe are my favorites and only $5.00 a puck. They are some of the most moisturizing soaps out there, Tallow and clay. Your skin will feel amazing

also a great value: Razorock XX - King Louis lavender, RR Castle line

Price is no Object: Aqua di Parma - Martin de Candre

Middle: . Strop Shop Barbershop special edition with tallow a real fav , Also the panna crema line if ever in stock, hard to get.
Hard soap: d.r. Harris

Croap: Cella: If you have a food saver, get the brick of cella and you can quit buying soaps for awhile. Less scented than the tub, its great stuff and will provide years of soap and an extremely affordable price

with those 3 and the klar, I think you are in great shape
D.R. Harris is a true winner for great lather. Believe refill pucks (without wooden bowl) run around $15. I personally love lavender and almond (which has almost no scent except soap). Others regale Arlington, Marlborough and Windsor flavors.
I would recommend Haslinger, DR Harris, and MdC. The Haslinger runs about $7-$9 for a small puck, the DR Harris cost a bit more, and MdC quite a bit more. All three are winners.
10th reply before someone suggest Arko. C'mon people!

Also, La Toja and Lea sticks.
I'm partial to Mystic Waters Bay Rum and Maestrale, and QCS Iced Key Lime. If you don't like menthol, I can recommend the Fougere instead.
Cella is an outstanding croap and I am surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet. If it's tallowy goodness you are looking for, then Cella, Haslinger, Queen Charlotte Soaps and creams (croaps really), and Arko won't steer you wrong. You really should give Tabac a try if you are okay with the scent. The perfumey part will dissipate. The lather it produces is mind blowingly good.

Of course you could just stick with MWF. Yeah, it's that good.
Straight Razor Designs Opus X. A glycerin soap, easy to lather with a tobacco scent. A different scent from other soaps and a good performer.
Speick (stick)
Palmolive (stick)
LaToja (stick)
Arko (stick)
Cella (almond croap)
Valobra (almond croap)
Vetos (almond croap)
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I think I'll give the haslinger and stirling soaps a try. I've smelled Tabac I think and it gave me a headache; I dont seem to enjoy the heavily scented soaps.
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