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Suggestion on Razor for Head Shaving

As of right now I use a Feather Personal DE loaded with Feather Blades for my daily headshave. I find that it works well but it's plastic construction is not to my liking and I want a razor with some more "heft" to it.

When I began headshaving I started with a Gillette super adjustable and from lack of technique I cut the top of my head pretty bad.

I believe that my technique is good enough know to go back to a vintage Gillette or a newer "solid razor".

Any suggestions? Should I go adjustable stay with the fixed head? Is there a difference with a 3 pc design or a TTO?


For me I have found that as long as your technique is down any solid razor will work good. I have used the Merkur 34c to great success and the Gillette 54 tv super speed to success as well. I would say go back to trying the super adjustable on different setting and see what you like best. Maybe pick up a super speed and try on of those as well. Like everyone else say YMMV, just experiment and try different things till you get a set up you like.

When you get it down I would bew interested to know how long the blades last you for a head and face shave all in one ( mine last me about 2 shaves).
I've been using a Slim Adjustable set to 2, same as I use on my face. My blade of choice is an Astra SP and I usually lather with Mama Bear or Erasmic. I do really like the cooling feel of the Mama Bear's Lime Ice on my head on a hot summer day. Admittedly, the first few times out I shredded my head pretty thoroughly, but as my technique has started to come together, I find it's getting better and better. I built up to it slowly though. First I was doing WTG passes with my Slim and then switching to my Mach 3 for the ATG pass. Then I worked up to doing WTG and ATG with the DE and using the M3 for touch-up. On my last shave I don't think I even picked up the M3. All in all I usually knock out 4 or 5 face shaves and one head shave on a blade. I'm afraid I may be getting as cheap as I was when I used my M3 for a month of face and head shaves.
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