These are likely stupid questions, but I need a little clarification. Often, someone will post about honing up to a certain grit or so many strokes on a stone, 'testing', and then honing some more and testing again (and again?). And then there are those guys that hone many, many razors and then 'shave test' them before selling/returning to owners.
So, are these shave tests a full-up lather on the face (I would assume!), a few strokes with a given razor, and then back to the hone if adjustment required? Making these adjustments while still lathered up? And what about multiple razors that need to get shave tested? Are these guys lathering up with 5 razors in front of them, testing each during the course of a shave? I mean, each of us only has one face and a limited amount of facial hair to shave each day, hence my questions. Please forgive me if I'm overlooking the obvious; I'm still pretty new at all this.
So, are these shave tests a full-up lather on the face (I would assume!), a few strokes with a given razor, and then back to the hone if adjustment required? Making these adjustments while still lathered up? And what about multiple razors that need to get shave tested? Are these guys lathering up with 5 razors in front of them, testing each during the course of a shave? I mean, each of us only has one face and a limited amount of facial hair to shave each day, hence my questions. Please forgive me if I'm overlooking the obvious; I'm still pretty new at all this.