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Strop Shoppe Special Edition Teak Wood - Allergic to FO?

I caught a lazy Sunday shave this morning with my new puck of Strop Shoppe's Special Edition Teak Wood with tallow. It was my first time trying one of their products. After a few seconds of lathering, I felt burning on my upper lip. I actually looked at the ingredients to see if there was something that was supposed to be warming it was so intense. I did my first WTG pass, rinsed, and relathered. Again, the burning - maybe even a bit more intense. It was actually bordering on uncomfortable. Does that mean I'm allergic to the scent?

I'd throw in the towel, but I got one of the best shaves I've ever had even though I stopped with a 2-pass shave. I used a Merkur Futur set to 4 with a Feather and I'm BBS. The protection was on par with Nancy Boy's shaving cream (my most protective cream to date), but was slicker and smoother. In short, the Strop Shoppe stuff is absolutely amazing... but is it bad for my skin? Would leaving the lid off the jar for a bit "air out" the soap and reduce some of the irritation from the fragrance oil?
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I'm terribly sorry to hear that you are having issues with the scent. Yes, our Teakwood is a Fragrance oil. People tend to have more issues with fragrance oil than essential oils. Again, I'm sorry that you aren't mixing well with that scent.
I had a similar experience with their non-tallow Baker Street and Black Tie. Burns the hell out of my face, but provides the best shave. I ended up having to ditch them, though. Just too much burn to justify it. I tried leaving the lids off for a month without any results. I hope you have better luck.

On the bright side, though, their Tallow Bay Rum and Black Tie give me the same results without the burn.
Every once in a while I hit one like that. Soap is cheap, so no big deal...enjoy it as a bath soap. On to the next scent!
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