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Straight razors are great

Just had my first shave with a razette. It isn't a straight razor, but I will definitely be purchasing a cut throat. The shave was great. I suffer from very very bad razor burn, a thick beard and sensitive skin. Shaving today, taking my time, the last time my face was this smooth I was 15. Practically no irritation. It was a bit scary at first! Almost nicked my neck, and when the blade caught on my upper lip I thought I was gonna give my nose a good cuttin haha. Ultimately finished with little more than a red dot of blood on the chin area, which was alot more difficult than I expected. Kinda cheated around the neck and used a mach 3.

The old barber I talked to set me up with anthony's pre-shave, and ice lime aftershave. Blades are Lord Platinums. Altogether I'm pretty stoked. The superior control of the razette allowed me to avoid some bumps that were healing up from the mach 3. That multi-bladed razor really butchered my face by cutting through previous irritation, and cause of work I really had no other choice but to shave.

Feels like a Godsend guys.. I'm really happy about this. :biggrin1:

Edit: I would have grabbed some German steel, but I'm a student and pretty low on expendable income. So the old barber did the best he could I think. Gave me a styptic pen thing for free.
First, I love the title to the thread.

Second, irritation is why I started straight shaving and I found out what you have discovered. Straights are great. Am never going back. I look forward to shaving every day; even my days off. No more razor burn. Good luck on the PIF. Check out Whipped dog for the affordable entry level razors. His razors will shave the fuzz off a flee.
Hey Eli what are you using as far as soap and brush? That stuff helps a lot too. If you don't have anything pm me I might be able to help ya out.
First, I love the title to the thread.

Second, irritation is why I started straight shaving and I found out what you have discovered. Straights are great. Am never going back. I look forward to shaving every day; even my days off. No more razor burn. Good luck on the PIF. Check out Whipped dog for the affordable entry level razors. His razors will shave the fuzz off a flee.

Hey, thanks I couldn't think of what to name my first thread here lol. I can relate, today I decided I'll never do cartridges again. Whipped Dog is a forum member right? Vendor section?

Hey Eli what are you using as far as soap and brush? That stuff helps a lot too. If you don't have anything pm me I might be able to help ya out.

Hey Deezy, using a cheap brush from shoppers drug mart and Anthony Gold's shaving cream. That's all it says--the brand is carina organics. I appreciate it deezy, the barber made sure I got most of what I needed even if he had to cut a few corners.
No problem. Larry at whipped dog.com is a forum member. I'm not sure if he's in the vendor corner. He's super legit though a good number of us got our first razors and strops from him. You can also get a very solid silver tip brush from him for like 20 bucks.
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