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Straight followed by DE?

I am curious, How many long time, heck how many straight shavers in general, follow the straight razor WTG, XTG, ATG passes with a DE clean up?

There was a video in the Manliest shave thread that prompted this question. I do in the hard to get areas, but I'm new to this, and the straight is still a tad awkward for me.

Weigh in gentlemen!!
I am curious, How many long time, heck how many straight shavers in general, follow the straight razor WTG, XTG, ATG passes with a DE clean up?

There was a video in the Manliest shave thread that prompted this question. I do in the hard to get areas, but I'm new to this, and the straight is still a tad awkward for me.

Weigh in gentlemen!!

I still end my straight shaves with a DE touchup, due to the growth pattern in some areas. There is no safe way to get more than a mostly XTG pass with a straight, so if I really am trying for total BBS, a DE is required.
I am curious, How many long time, heck how many straight shavers in general, follow the straight razor WTG, XTG, ATG passes with a DE clean up?

There was a video in the Manliest shave thread that prompted this question. I do in the hard to get areas, but I'm new to this, and the straight is still a tad awkward for me.

Weigh in gentlemen!!

I can get a BBs or near BBS with just the straight but, like you, I find it much easier to get some very difficult parts with the DE and will do so if I'm looking for a closer shave or if I'm just in a hurry. When I'm camping, I don't bother but when I'm going out or at home, I have a DE (or Cobra or even an M3) nearby and don't hesitate to take the last bit of stubble from the corners of my mouth or edge of my lips. I have been arrested a few times by the straight razor police so I have to be careful and keep the bathroom door locked. Flying under the radar like that can be nerve wracking but... damn, I get comfortable shaves.
I use the straight exclusively, or at least I've been since a few weeks after I started. In the beginning I would finish up with the DE but now I find it more of a hassle to switch to a DE for tough spots. I just go at it with the straight and take my time. I also recently switched to a 2-pass shave, which leaves me with less (basically none) irritation, and a shave pretty much just as nice, depending on the days.
I don't use DE to finish. No real reason I would either. If I missed a spot, on occasion it happens, I just use the point and some water.
Read on numerous forums that to get technique correct and really working well its best to stick to one or the other...so for me I stick my shavette and keep practicing no matter how hard it might be! Relying on a Gillette to "clean up" just means Ive not mastered the technique as well as I should have and need to practice more!
But in the end its whatever works best for you! For me I've binned my Gillette so it's not there to tempt me with laziness! Lol!
For me its been a gradual progression, at first I was touching up quite a bit with a DE. As I progress I seem to be reaching for it (DE) less and less. I have hair all the way down my neck but I seem to be getting there more and more with the straight.

In the end I get a smooth shave one way or another.
I've been learning to use a straight for the past couple of months. I decided early on that if I allowed myself to go back to the DE for cleanup, the learning curve would take me much longer. By forcing myself to learn the angles and technique, I feel I've progressed faster than had I fallen back on the DE. YMMV.
If really pushed for time I go to the DE with the straight following for cleanup if needed. Too long since I took up straights to remember another device following a straight shave. Bet Bear_Blade drops the DE without even thinking about it as he becomes more comfortable.
My technique with the DE is worse than with the straight, so no. I have touched up with a straight after a DE shave on a couple of occasions (I have a kamisori that I use to touch up some places because of the nice small blade). I prefer to use a straight as I get better shaves and less ingrown hairs.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
Pretty often when I started, but not any more. Not because I have dramatically improved, I just quit chasing BBS.
My neck hair (beard) grows E-W and is impossible to get any kind of smoothness without going straight across with a blade. The problem is that only my Kami wanna-be can keep flat on the hollow of my neck and it cuts two beautiful crimson ribbons, one at the toe and one at the heel when I have tried it.

DE for clean up every time, I feel no shame... :blushing:
Been using a straight exclusively since Sept.1, bound and determined to learn this. I'm too stubborn to touch up with a DE no matter how bad it turned out, getting pretty good at it now but far from perfect.
Horizontal neck growth here too that I can sort of almost get with some contortion and a straight...or I can get it with a ridiculously easy horizontal pass with a DE in a fraction of the time and with greater comfort. If I don't care about smoothness that much, xtg on the neck is tolerable with a straight.

Nothing wrong with choosing the right tool for the job.
My neck hair (beard) grows E-W and is impossible to get any kind of smoothness without going straight across with a blade. The problem is that only my Kami wanna-be can keep flat on the hollow of my neck and it cuts two beautiful crimson ribbons, one at the toe and one at the heel when I have tried it.

DE for clean up every time, I feel no shame... :blushing:

Horizontal neck growth here too that I can sort of almost get with some contortion and a straight...or I can get it with a ridiculously easy horizontal pass with a DE in a fraction of the time and with greater comfort. If I don't care about smoothness that much, xtg on the neck is tolerable with a straight.

Nothing wrong with choosing the right tool for the job.

That is the exact reason I've always made one final DE pass on my neck if I am looking for the closest shave I can get. If I'm just going to work, or I'm camping, I'll just do 3 passes with the straight and be done.
I stopped using a DE when I converted to straights. I wanted to know my progress by the stubble left behind on a daily basis. Now there isn't anything to clean up after 2 passes.
When I started I would do my final pass with a DE but now I only shave with a DE if I'm in a hurry. Which isn't often. I gave up on BBS on my neck a while ago but I can easily attain it with a straight on my cheeks, chin and lip with a two pass shave. Its crazy how a straight can be the least irritating way to shave...
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