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Straight Choke !

Thanks to B&B Gent "Otto" I have this my very first straight to have a play with. Thanks Otto a true Gent to deal with !
Had a feeble attempt at a first shave and was surprised just how hard it was to get the angles with both hands and ended up with only
cheeks done (and not that well) then committed the ultimate sin and finished with a SE that I could have done blindfolded by comparison.
In all honesty I don't think I have the patience at present, I will put it away for another day :blush:

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The first time can be quite daunting, but after 2-3 times it gets much easier...Just do the cheeks for a while and before you know it, you'll be doing your whole face WTG and wonder about ATG ;)
Daily practice, even if you only focus on the cheeks, is a great way to start. Don't push too far each day, but don't put the razor down for too long. Building muscle memory is key - BBS will come in good time.
Very good advice above. If you flip through a few of the journals, you'll see that nearly everyone has issues like this at first. Start slow and ask lots of questions.
As others have already said, slow and steady wins the race. If I remember correctly, I had to supplement my 7 first straight shaves with some DE shaving to get an acceptable result. Some purists will say that is the wrong way to go but I found it a nice way to ease into straights. If you only feel comfortable with the side burns, do that for a while and then when you work up more confidence you can start adding further sections of your face. In no time at all you will be shaving all of your face WTG and contemplating XTG. Figuring out how to shave your face is half the fun of learning.
Sweet, you tried it!

I can't think of anything that made me feel more uncoordinated than trying to get the grip and angle right for about the first week using these. Fortunately it gets better pretty quick. Watching shaving vids on Youtube got boring pretty quick but it did help me figure some of that out.
You did just fine! Did you lop off an ear or open a flap of cheek skin? If not, it was a success! Nice job, do it again tomorrow...:thumbup1:
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