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Store brand blades

I hesitate to even ask. But I hesitate even more to buy.

While grocery shopping yesterday, I noticed that there is such a thing as a Kroger brand double-edge razor blade. Has anyone tried these things out to offer an opinion?
See where they are made. If it is a USA make it should be essentially a Persona barber blade I suspect. S. Korea is the only other place I have seen store brand blades display, but I don't know which manufacturer.
See where they are made. If it is a USA make it should be essentially a Persona barber blade I suspect. S. Korea is the only other place I have seen store brand blades display, but I don't know which manufacturer.

The S Korea blades are supposed to by made by Dorco, from most accounts.
They are made in the USA, and I see someone back in June 2012 suggested they're low-grade American Safety Razor blades. Is that the same thing as Personna "barber" blades, or what?

The price really wasn't anything special, so I definitely passed them up yesterday.
The barber blades are made to dispose of after one customer. I can get several shaves from one, but not like the Persona blue.

I would describe them as adequate. Aside from the fact that you an actually find them in stores while everything else is evaporating I think they're a good deal.

No, they aren't Feathers. And thy usually don't cost like Feathers. Although I think the Walgreens house brand is almost $6 for ten. The Dollar store brands are a buck for five.

Crying shame Walmart abandon us. That was the bet deal going.
When did Walmart abandon us I bought some in June in the houston Texas Walmart
They are wilkinson swords in a black plastic blade case. 10 were 1.69 if I recall.
Now I do live in portland oregon and have not found blades at any I have looked at but honestly I keep forgetting. The price seemed slightly high but not outrageous.
Yes, S. Korean blades are Dorco (which is expanding aggressively in the U.S. market--especially carts) and U.S.-made blades are Personna (made in Knoxville, TN).
I've used these kroger blades before, and they're a decent enough blade if you're in a pinch, but you can get better blades at a better price online.
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