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Stirling Syndicate

Plain WH doesn't give me any oily residue feeling. Stirling ben franklin doesn't, either. Yet the lemon chill and iirc the glacial wintergreen does. I've attributed it to the added menthol. (and\or aloe - don't take this as gospel since I'm not in front of my bottle to read the ingredients. So it may not contain aloe.)

Maybe I just got one of the aftershave scents that doesn't give an oily feel or maybe I just didn't notice it. If you can find some type of a pattern maybe it would help some people here out. Either way, we're not all going to like the same things, which is what makes this whole thing fun. It would be so boring if we did.
Tomorrow, I'm going to order a bunch of samples with a friend (to split the shipping). I'm excited!

Here is what I'm going to try:

1. Barbershop - Duh!
2. Sharp Dressed Man
3. Ozark Mountains

and maybe a couple of:

4. Frozen Tundra
5. Glacial Lemon Chill
6. Glacial Wintergreen
7. Island Man
8. Texas on Fire

You should throw in Executive Man, Gin & Tonic, and Ben Franklin. Also pick up a 4 scent aftershave splash sample pack as well.
I tried Texas on Fire yesterday and the wife has now forbidden me from using it again. Looks like this maybe a trend...

My wife thought, and I agreed, that Texas on Fire smelled like a tire fire. She told me I should splash on some diesel fuel to top off the experience.
Do any of the women shavers here like their scents? I was thinking of finding one my wife would like, and fill her used push-up shave soap container. She likes the ease of the push-pop design.
Do any of your wives use Stirling soaps?

My wife has used: Lemony Orange, Limes, Island Man and Almond Creme. She is happy with any of those. Her overall favorites would probably be Island Man then Soap Commander Vision.
Stirling has so many scents--Rod usually has 40 available, and sometimes more--that it's inevitable that you'll like some and dislike others. It's also inevitable that SWMBO will dislike some that you like.

That's why samples are such a good thing.

For myself, I wouldn't touch Ozark Mountain, Texas on Fire, Port au Prince, and some others with a ten-foot pole. On the other hand I wouldn't want to be without Spice, Barbershop, Tuscany, Black Cherry, and others. It's a beautiful thing.

Besides, they're only smelled while shaving--I use an aftershave, always.

Forgot to mention. They sent me a free sample with one of my orders. Maybe I'm just easy but I thought that was an awesome bonus, and helped for my repeat business.

That's threir business model, and I believe it works well for them. I've noticed a free sample tossed in with my Soap Commander orders, too. Free is good.

Wait until they throw in a bath soap sample, and you'll get hooked on that, as I am. His cocoa butter bath soap (which is unscented) is out of this world.
I have the Glacial Lemon, Orange chill, and black cherry. All excellent. The orange has a nice sweet citrus scent. Not overpowering in the least. The lemon has a ton of menthol, only grab for it on really hot/humid days. Also use the matching aftershave splashes. Overall great bang for the buck.

Just ordered the hot apple cider and pumpkin spice in anticipation of fall. I'll report back on those later.....
I have ordered a few samples of the fall lineup, as well as got the bath soaps, and got the 5.8 ouncer of the Bonapart soap. Super excited
Just received samples for Orange chill, Lemon Chill, Ozark Mountain, Grapefruit, Ben Franklin and Executive Man.
Can't wait to get to the OM and EM, but I'm trying to hold on to the last shreds of summer with the citrus and menthol for now.
SWMBO made off with the orange chill pretty quick and was about to order the jar but then they just put up the new autumn scents and she may be adding to it :thumbup:
Heard great things about Stirling soaps, so I ordered SDM and Ozark Mountain. Wanted to try the barbershop, but it was out, so got OM instead. Of course, it ended up being my favorite of the two. I have not had any issues with producing a nice lather with any of my brushes, badger or boar. I have bloomed and not bloomed. Fantastic slickness and post-shave. The scent, especially the smokey back note of the Ozark Mountain, is highly addictive. I'm a huge fan, and will definitely order a few more more soon.
For yesterday's shave (I was so busy that time just got away from me and I forgot to post - mea culpa) I tried another Tiki flavor that had me intrigued: Grand Cru. If you love grape-flavored foods (jam, soda, etc.), this soap's aroma will be immediately evocative of those items. The well-done and long-lasting grape scent will be with you throughout the day.

The lather was every bit as good as Tiki's other soaps - thick, rich, and protective.

Today's hardware:

  • Razor: Feather AS-D2
  • Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (3rd shave)
  • Brush: Dr. Jon's Silvertip


Slickness and cushion were excellent and some Arlington aftershave topped off another very pleasant shave.
Ozark fans - is the scent similar to Mike's pine&cedarwood? ?

No it is not anything like Mike's Pine and Cedarwood. Coniferous is similar, but a little heavier on the cedarwood whereas Mike's is a little heavier on the pine.

Ozark Mountain smells more like a fresh evergreen tree, more like the needles than a block of wood. But it is also a much more complex scent as it also has some spice (more peppery and not cinnamon/nutmeg type spices) and a slight smokey undertone as well.
^great info thank you!

If you end up ordering it I suggest a sample of the aftershave splash as well. It is definitely a unique scent, very masculine, and the evergreen is balanced well by the other stuff so you don't smell like you rubbed yourself on a Christmas tree.
I've been sniffing the Captain's Choice Bay Rum for days and decided to give it a shot this morning. I didn't think much of their original RazoRock version (neither the scent nor the performance appealed to me at all), but I enjoyed their lime scent the other day and figured that this would have the same formulation, plus the aroma from the puck-let was good.

Turned out that the Bay Rum was just as solid a performer as the Lime. Easy to lather and reminiscent of my preferred clove-y bay rums, such as Ogallala's. Very nice!

Today's hardware:

  • Razor: Feather AS-D2
  • Blade: Gillette Silver Blue (4th shave)
  • Brush: Simpson PJ2 Best


I enjoyed a very comfortable shave (surprising for Day 4 on this blade) and finished off with some VIBR aftershave. I was surprised by how soft and hydrated my skin felt afterwards. Between the scent and the softness, my wife actually growled at me when she nuzzled my face an hour later, so -- Success!!
Recently tried Glacial Wintergreen for the first time- outstanding! I love menthol- and that's the coldest I've ever tried. But it's not a circus act- it's supremely slick & protective plus the post-shave comfort lasts all day for me. I can't recommend Rod's soaps highly enough...
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