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Sterilizing a Lady Gillette

I picked up a '71 Lady Gillette in pretty much mint condition for my wife off the 'Bay. My question is in how to sterilize it. The plastic on the handle and the color inlay on the stars make me hesitant to try anything aggressive. Any other LG owners have any experiences to share?
If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for it? And how sterile are you trying to get it? Seems that I read somewhere that barbicide will melt plastic or something. You would probably be ok with a 70% solution of alcohol and letting it air dry for a day. Or if you wanna really make sure, find some lysol (industrial strength stuff) and make up a solution bath.
If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for it? And how sterile are you trying to get it?
I got it for about $35 shipped. Maybe too much, maybe the going rate; either way it was what I was willing to pay for the quality. She's not doing surgery with it, just shaving her legs. Just looking to sterilize the unknown ebay out of it
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