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Starting With First DE Razor Tomorrow

Well, after getting comfortable with brushes and soaps, I am ready to ween myself from the cartridges. I was PIF'd a very nice Super Speed Flare and some Big Ben SS blades. I have also purchased Polsilver, Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellows, Gillette Super Blues, Personna Meds, and Shark SS's too.

Thanks for all the advice so far!

Wish me luck.......... :badger:




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Pretty good starting kit. Should do you quite well!

Good luck and welcome to the world of DE shaving!

Just don't catch RAD.
Good luck! I have only been doing this for 5 days (also with a PIF'd Super Speed, but with Astra SP blades), but I have gotten the smoothest shaves of my life on my face. I have tons of work to do, but I can tell you already that I won't be going back to cartridges. I bet you will love it.
Pretty good starting kit. Should do you quite well!

Good luck and welcome to the world of DE shaving!

Just don't catch RAD.

Truer words have never been spoken. I just started this with a free razor, but 5 days later I have already acquired another 2 gillette vintage razors. I am doomed! :scared:
Well, #1 is behind me! No blood, pretty darn good shave too. I used the new Super Speed, Proraso White, and a Big Ben SS. I took it slow, using short strokes, watched my angle, and tried to let the razor head do the work. The toughest part was the latter! For a bit I wasn't sure the blade was making contact. I then realized I had the fan on. Once I turned the fan off, I could hear the whiskers surrendering. I think hearing the razor work is my best gauge. I have also watched many mantic59, geofatboy, and other's video tutorials. WTG-XTG-AGT.

THANKS for all the input and support on all fronts: razors, blades, soaps, and brushes!

Update: Shave #2-No blood yet-even better shave-learning my beard. WTG-XTG(more angled now)-ATG.

Used RazorRock Fresco this morning.


Congrats Bob on your success. Sounds like you are on the path to paradise. The mid fifties Super Speeds are great for comfortable shaves.
Update: Shave #3-I got my first nick this morning. It was on my chin and I am certain it was "pressure" related. I am getting a better feel for my beard angles. Best shave yet. WTG-XTG(different angles today)-ATG.

I won't bore y'all with daily reports, but will check in.

Update: Shave #5-I am getting a better feel for my beard angles with each shave and as the day goes on. Today was my Super Speed Flare Tip with a 7 O'Clock Yellow blade, my Omega 10066, and an Arko stick, yes Arko.
My first impression of the Arko upon wetting the tip and starting to apply it was: "Yep, it does smell like a urinal puck!" But, as I started to lather, the smell seemed to change and was nice? It lathered just fine and I had a nick free shave today. I am sure I would be a lot bloodier were it not for y'all and some of the great tutorial videos out. The journey continues.....

WTG-XTG( angled)-ATG.


Update: Shave #6-Today was the Super Speed Flare Tip Again, 7 O'Clock Yellow blade, La Toja Stick, and the Omega 10066. No nicks, knock on wood. The La Toja stick lathered very easily, was very slick and gave a great shave. It has a nice fresh "clean" smell. My face felt great afterwards too, even before a "splash". I will stay with the Super Speed. My technique seems to be setting in as I learn the angles of my beard better. I am making short strokes trying to let the razor do all the work. I try to keep my wrist locked. Each day is a bit better.


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