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Star Lather Catcher

This is my first ever lather catcher. Star model. I am curious if my case is correct for this model as I am only familiar with the tin. It is in rough shape but there. Also, one of those stabilizing springs on the sides is damaged. I have uploaded an hd video in addition to pics. It will still hold a blade with some gusto, but this makes me nervous to say the least. $lc1_zpsf163967c.jpg$lc2_zpsc077b10a.jpg$lc3_zps27d0e9fe.jpg$lc4_zps3b95a7ed.jpg$lc6_zpsbb11f1df.jpg

video below

Is this case correct? I suppose I should also ask if anyone has a box of bits from totaled razors. It really could use that spring stabilizer... If the blade stop on that side were meatier I'd just roll the dice, but as it is, it just got an inconspicuous area test. Angle of attack is different than any se I have used and I have tried many.
Dont know if the case is correct or not.
Not sure if I would use it as is..if the blade migrated a bit to that side, a corner of the blade would be pushed down...that might get ugly
If it feels really secure and you look at it after every pass..maybe try it

I like your video, that was good

Here's a pic of a blade in my Star

It's interesting you mount it so flat. Most people raise the blade's back up a bit in a LC I thought to compensate for the wedge's thickness? I got a Nokia Lumia 920 a few months ago, I think so highly of the video capabilities of the thing I think I am going to start using that more in place of photos as I get used to the autofocus' idiosyncrasies. It really helps to clarify my issues to the guys here. As you can see, the blade retaining tab is more worn on the damaged side as well. If it were pristine, I'd probably just risk it as it. Gonna ask around on a few forums, someone may have something beyond help in their hands which they got in a lot that I can recondition this one with. Otherwise, I will just have to move it along at cost and hope to find another or an ever ready or a junior bar. bc I get enjoyment out of using the vintage gear I own, not hoarding it to look at.
I actually have the same razor/case combo. Although mine came with 2 wedge blades. Good overall shaver. I don't know how important the side stabilizers are to the shave; but if the rear blade block or the blade stops in the front were damaged I might be more worried. I found that on mine, if the rear blocker isn't holding the blade really snug against the blade stops a modern blade will wander in the razor very easily.
The spring is very strong on this one. One blade stop is a hook and on the side with no spring it is there and holds as the video shows but it isn't quite as defined. I gave it a back of the arm test and it shaves quite readily but faces and arms are two different things... Weird angle, you have to have the handle almost parallel to shaving surface, sort of opposite to the usual right angle most se demand.


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Dont know if the case is correct or not.
Not sure if I would use it as is..if the blade migrated a bit to that side, a corner of the blade would be pushed down...that might get ugly
If it feels really secure and you look at it after every pass..maybe try it

I like your video, that was good

Here's a pic of a blade in my Star

This is what I was looking for as most SOTD don't show the lather catcher loaded properly. I seem to have the one that the OP has (same head and handle) and I was wondering if I loaded the blade properly this morning as I got a few scratches from it (from the corner of the blade). I will investigate a bit more. thanks for the pictures and hopefully, this might help someone else too by bumping it up!
Hmm. I just got my first lather catcher home this evening. A stunner. A GEM Junior 1901/1901 (got to ask more questions about it later). You are supposed to load a blade without lifting the blade holder right..? Just to slide the blade in without lifting anything. Seems strange somehow. What´s the idea about the blade holder (guard)?
Hmm. I just got my first lather catcher home this evening. A stunner. A GEM Junior 1901/1901 (got to ask more questions about it later). You are supposed to load a blade without lifting the blade holder right..? Just to slide the blade in without lifting anything. Seems strange somehow. What´s the idea about the blade holder (guard)?

I have used a Gem Junior Bar razor for years. I have always lifted the bar to remove the old blade and then taken the opportunity to clean the razor up before installing the new blade. With the stainless blades, I never take the blade out between shaves until it is time to replace the blade.

I know you can slide the blade under the bar without lifting it, but I've never seen the advantage. It seems more likely that I could damage the edge of the new blade if I didn't lift the bar than if I did. I believe the purpose of the bar is twofold . . . it holds the front of the blade down, similar to the blade holders for the wedge blades on the razor shown above, and it also applies some drag to your face as you shave.

I have used a Gem Junior Bar razor for years. I have always lifted the bar to remove the old blade and then taken the opportunity to clean the razor up before installing the new blade. With the stainless blades, I never take the blade out between shaves until it is time to replace the blade.

I know you can slide the blade under the bar without lifting it, but I've never seen the advantage. It seems more likely that I could damage the edge of the new blade if I didn't lift the bar than if I did. I believe the purpose of the bar is twofold . . . it holds the front of the blade down, similar to the blade holders for the wedge blades on the razor shown above, and it also applies some drag to your face as you shave.


Ok- I just stumbled over this thread (#36) where instructions told you otherwise. I thought it was interesting to know how you people do. Does not matter at all I guess and I see your point of minimizing the risk of damaging the edge of the blade Tom.
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