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Stainless steel lather bowl for $3.50


I've used about 5-7 different bowls to lather in which have all been very different... Recently, I picked up a stainless steel prep bowl (for kitchen use) for $3.50 at the grocery store. I do like the look of my hand-thrown scuttles and lather bowls, but for $3.50 and the durability of steel this is a can't miss.

One thing that caught my eye is that the inside of the bowl is brushed stainless, which surprisingly helps create lather (as opposed to a shiney/smooth surface). Only downside is the lack of heat retention.

The manufacturer is RSVP/Endurance and you can get these just about anywhere (Amazon, Chef Tools, etc), so think twice before spending a mint on those "branded" bowls... Just a thought.

I have a shallower stainless bowl for holding and lathering a soap. My wife says she got it at Target and it was designed for holding spices. I must say that design looks much more useful as a lathering bowl. I have lather coming over the top of the bowl...
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That's a nice looking bowl! I was thinking about going for a stainless one for awhile (before being seized by Scuttle Acquisition Disorder) and found a number of inexpensive stainless surgical prep bowls on eBay.

I think I will pick up a stainless bowl sooner or later for travel. It'd probably fare better than a scuttle would in my suitcase.
I found a silver plated Reed and Barton bowl at good will for $4 and love it. Even though metal loses heat quickly it also warms up quick. I place my metal bowl in a large latte mug filled 1/2 with hot tap water. It keeps the lather warm for my entire shave.

Spending $60-70 on a scuttle just doesn't seem worth it.
I melted TGQ samples into little stainless bowls, but the expansion of the steel, due to the water heat, made it impossible for the soap to stick to the bowl.

That really has nothing to do with this discussion, but yeah, Target is a great place for lather/brush bowls of all kinds. I use the BIG white porcelain bowl.
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