I also remember seeing coffee mugs in the local Eddie Bauer, but I can't find any on their web site.
Or if you are ever in Steamboat Springs CO, check out F.M. Light & Sons. Their web site stinks, but the store is great. I got a very unique travel coffee mug there a few years back, but they also had some very nice brass & stainless mugs (non travel).
They also make a barrel shaped tankard that holds a ton of coffee, as well as tumblers - should probably think about whether you want a lid, in which case the tumbler is likely your best but.
$45 bucks for that LLBean cup - come on, that's just insane for a coffee cup!
Agree with the double-walled suggestion - great for keeping coffee hot and not burning the heck out of your lips.
Thanks Suzuki
I'd almost get the snow peak, just because I'm a Titanium geek, but anyways, too rich to be used as a bang around cup (Taking it to the hand full of shops I frequent that have ceramic demis, but no mugs for drip)