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Stained Razor - help!

Anyone know how to get a stubborn stain out of a razor? Got a gold single ring that has a long stain that just won't come out!! Tried a little Flitz and that helped, Scrubbing Bubbles too, soaked/scrubbed in Dawn. No dice. Any advice appreciated. :mad3:
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Tarn-X. Tarn-X is the key. In very small bits. Followed by the same of Maas, a little light buffing, and it looks pretty good.

EDIT: Meant to say I even ultrasonic it, but the above worked much better. Scrubbed up well.
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Glad you were able to find something that works. I was going to recommend Silvo and Q-tips. Add in a some elbow grease and time, your stain will go away.
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