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SSAD bad

Fairly new to wet shaving but I have experimented with soap and brush a bit in the past with carts. I find that now that I wet shave I have got SSAD really bad. I am good with my brush blades and razor at this point, eventually I will want more beyond my one brush and razor and sample blades but the soap man I just excited to try a new soap everyday. I started with Trumpers way back but I really lean toward the Artisan side now with this month get samples and tins from Mike's, Mystic, Barristers and Mann and creams from Al's. So now two months into shaving I have approximately 30 samples and 4 tins of soap and a stick and I am looking forward to the Strop Shoppe and Stirling as soon as my wallet and shaves catch up. For me it the trying new scents and the challenge of learning how to get each to lather best is what gets me excited every morning. What is it for others that gets their SSAD bug going?
Im only just over 1 month into DE shaving and think ive satisfied most of my RAD (i have Seven vintage Gillettes and one Merkur 34c HD)

Im now moving onto soaps. I ordered samples from Mike's and Barrister & Mann. The B&M arrived first of course and ive been testing the Cheshire scent which i really like. Its the Earl Grey Tea scent. Ill be using each sample for 2-3 days and then changing. The B&M plus Mikes should keep me busy for a few weeks.

Its amazing how scents can make such a difference to the shave.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
I've got friends in Low places.
All over this darn forum.
Just when you think it's safe to go back into the soap forum........
I just love the great variety! You have 30 samples and I have 30 soaps plus 15 or so creams all soaps are in OS mugs, 15 brushes and 25 razors, 100s of blades, 1/2 dozen AS, hones, films, etc. . Believe me, you are just getting started. :wink2:
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