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Spontaneous enlightenment

For various reasons (time and a little lingering irritation) I decided on a one-pass shave with my Tech today. Knowing I was only going to do one pass, I found myself a bit more relaxed about technique. Rather than shaving with the internal dialogue obsessing over the tenets of proper technique, I just let my hands do their thing and observed: the sound of the razor; the elasticity or tautness of the skin; the clean path cleared of lather. I allowed some going back over an area just passed. I even found myself shaving XTG in some parts of my neck where WTG is never comfortable; it was as if my hand knew all along how I should have been doing those spots.

The end result was SAS, but more importantly, it was even (not BBS here, patchy there) and totally comfortable. No alum sting whatsoever.

A truly satisfying shave:001_smile
Are you a golfer? Because that's the exact attitude you're supposed to take while swinging a golf club - if you think about mechanics during your swing everything will fall apart. Visualize the intended results and you'll get much better contact.
I'm not a golfer, but I can see how that would apply. It seems to be the way with a lot of skills. I had a guitar teacher years ago who told me to learn music theory, master the rules, and then forget them.
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