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Speick- Tell me more

I would love to get some information from members and their experience with Speick, and their A/S splash, Shave cream and shave stick.
I received a sample of the shower gel from a previous order, and the scent was very appealing.

Why did you like and what was the outcome? What turned you off, or how was the slickness, cushion, etc...
Any details, would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

- Brad
There are a lot of Speick shave stick fans on here including the legendary Marco I believe! I have a stick and am amazed at the price/effectiveness ratio. Great cushion, great slickness and I love that peppery smell! I know what I am using tomorrow! I am sure some of the experts will be around to answer the rest of your questions soon but, for the price, you might as well just try the products!

I have the AS splash (they refer to it as a lotion) and the shaving cream. Top notch stuff. Search the respective forums for more detailed reviews if you are so inclined.

I haven't used the stick (I'm not much on shaving soaps), but many members love it. Some grate it into a bow for puck-type use, and some use it as a shave stick.

The fragrances are not identical, but are very complimentary.

The Speick EdC is another story :sad: ; it used to be one of the best, although not long lasting. The new reformulation is not nearly as nice, and has caused issues with some members.
The splash, soap stick, and cream have very popular on the forums for as long as I can remember. For sure get the splash, it is in a class of its own.
Amongst the best value for money if you enjoy the scent. I have the cream/AS in my rotation. The cream produces very slick lather.
The Speick shave stick was my first shave stick. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone not liking it so I'd grab a stick if I were you. I picked mine up from Amazon for ~$6 a few months ago so it's pretty cheap. The slickness is very good and the smell is really nice and unique.

The lather is good but leaves a little to be desired in my opinion. I think it lathers as well as La Toja but no where near as well as Arko.

I'm planning on getting the Speick splash as well as some bath soaps in the future because I like the smell so much.
I've used their stick and enjoy it for travel. I have products in my den at home that are better IMO but for the size and conveniece I don't own anything that performs like it on the road...including Arko!

I also use their Deo stick deodorant and I REALLY like it.
I have the AS Splash, Shave Cream, Shave Stick, and Bath Soap. I will order the AS Balm soon. Speick is the best performing product in my den. Great scent and even better performance.
I have a Speick stick I use for travel because it fits my vintage metal shave stick tube perfectly. I love the scent, in fact so much so that I traded for a bottle of their aftershave. Same great scent. The soap itself is really a meh for me though. It seemed a little thin, not as protective or lubricating as my Arko stick.
I have the soap , the deo , shave stick , cream , splash and balm , edc ..... only thing im missing is the edt .The cream and shave stick are diffrent the stick having more lavender , the edc is very diffrent from all the rest I like it the least
Great products, the lather is smooth with great cushion. Here in Europe it's very moderate priced. I always try to pick up their products when visiting Germany. I hope you will enjoy the Speick products when you've got them. Do look forward to a great shave!
Ok, so I received an email from the U.K. based vendor saying they cannot send the A/S to Canada...
I assumed this may happen but thought it was worth a shot. I don't think U.S. vendors can send alcohol based A/S to Canada either....

Any ideas where I can buy Speick splash is Canada?
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