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Speick shave foam

Has anybody tried this yet? I ordered some but it has not arrived yet. I am curious and also wanted something simple but good for my travel kit, as I don't want to take a brush and cream with me. Has anybody tried this? I have not had any luck with finding reviews here or on google...

/EDIT: Review posted at bottom of page.

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That's one hefty photo!

Unfortunately for you, the only mention I've really seen regarding this product has been in the "what products have let you down" (paraphrasing there) thread. It's in the General Discussion forum. Try a search there.
Well, at the end of the day it's still canned goo - but it's canned goo coming from Speick which means it's as good as it gets. Definitely the king of foams for me (which may not mean much to some, but if for some reason you'd like to use a canned product you can't go wrong with this one).
If I could pick it up locally I might pick it up and try it out of curiosity, but I won't order it just for that purpose.
You should still take your brush and a speick shave stick instead of the foam.
The stick is small, concentrated and performs amazingly.
Thanks for the advice gents, but I defiantly don't want to take my only brush with me out on trips... I just want to keep it simple, spray onto hand, slap on face, shave.... I have the Speick cream and love that. I have not yet gotten into soaps or shave sticks, but will probably get some further down the road. The metal can is durable and can take shocks and bumps, so it seems perfect. I also bought a durable case for my super speed that can take shocks and bumps. I want an Elephant to be able to sit on my travel kit and still be able to shave with it. I will be sure to post a review here after the Speick in a can arrives. Stay tuned!
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Another way to go for travel is Shave Secret and a Trac II. The Trac II is carry-on-able, and the bottle for Shave Secret is so small (2"-3" tall) that it is incredibly unlikely that it'll get crushed. It's basically the same container as a bottle of eye drops.
Thanks for the advice gents, but I defiantly don't want to take my only brush with me out on trips... I just want to keep it simple, spray onto hand, slap on face, shave.... I have the Speick cream and love that. I have not yet gotten into soaps or shave sticks, but will probably get some further down the road. The metal can is durable and can take shocks and bumps, so it seems perfect. I also bought a durable case for my super speed that can take shocks and bumps. I want an Elephant to be able to sit on my travel kit and still be able to shave with it. I will be sure to post a review here after the Speick in a can arrives. Stay tuned!

You don't need a brush to lather a soap or cream. Your hands will work fine.
You don't need a brush to lather a soap or cream. Your hands will work fine.

this is true, but creams are susceptible to smashing, and soaps and creams are susceptible to high heat... foam or gel in a can just seems like the way to go when conditions are out of your control. i figure that it is either this or proraso in a can, or barbasol... I have plenty of room in my toiletry kit for a full sized can, so needing something really small isn't an issue.
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Has anybody tried this yet? I ordered some but it has not arrived yet. I am curious and also wanted something simple but good for my travel kit, as I don't want to take a brush and cream with me. Has anybody tried this? I have not had any luck with finding reviews here or on google...


Blasphemy! :lol:

I'm teasing. If you must go foam, Speick is probably the way to go. I have those morning where I need to be showered, shaven, dressed, and out the door 15 minutes after waking up and foam is helpful when in such situations. Its good stuff. Better than Barbasol IMO.
I tried the Speick foam out today and I am happy to report that it works great. It provided a nice slick lather, and I was able to get a DFS 2 pass shave with my GEM 1912. And Not even a single weeper. It doesn't smell quite as good as the Speick cream, but almost as good. It definitely has a distinctly good Speick smell to it though. I will have to agree with the bottle, and give it ein sehr gut rating. :thumbup1:
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