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Speick,AV, clubman and Skin bracer

I have tried what i will call The higher end Aftershaves.... (costing more than 17.00)musgo, Floid vigaroso,poraso, Speick... And i gotta tell ya... None compare to the walgreen specials.... Scent, feel, cooling... Other than Musgo smoothing... None of the others compAre... Guys save your duckets and go with the Walgreen specials!
I've never tried my of the higher end aftershaves but I have used a ton of the cheaper ones. I have found that the majority of them I liked, and a few I didn't. I'm almost afraid to try the more expensive ones as I am pretty satisfied with the ones I use now.
Vivasanti- your 100% correct it is purely my opinion... Never sited stats or quoted anyone.... Other than my own thoughts.... Waste or save ur $$$$... On you... Figured i would help!
I like the cheap stuff too...P&G Old Spice, AV Ice Sport, Pacific Rush. Aubrey City Rhythms is pretty great too. I understand why afficianados like the more refined stuff, but it just doesn't fit into my budget, and I'm perfectly happy with the drugstore stuff.
FWIW Floid, Tabac, Poraso, and Speick are all drug store aftershaves as well. The drive to those stores is just a little longer for some of us.
I enjoy having a large selection for variety. since a bottle of aftershave lasts me a long time since I may not use it more than once or twice a month in rotation, the cost has never been a consideration for me

I do not find much of a correlation between price, quality, and a good fragrance.

My faves so far range from high priced to low, including Floid, Clubman, Old Spice and Floris 89.

For me, it's not a question of getting what you pay for; you just get what you get.
The cheap stuff smells cheap..... because they are cheap. Not necessarily "bad"..... but cheap. I don't want my aftershave to smell "bad" by any means.... but I also don't want it to always smell "cheap" either. YMMV.

The main difference in inexpensive and more expensive aftershaves is that the latter usually have additional components that help in healing your skin. Many inexpensive aftershaves are largely fragrance and alcohol. There are exceptions, of course, such as some of the Lucky Tiger products. In terms of fragrance quality I would probably be on of the last to comment. I actually like The Veg so......................
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