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Speakeasy Acquisitions - June 2010

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I guess I'll start things off this month.

I finally got my Green 999 spigot. I've been on the lookout for one for the last 5 or 6 months. She's almost to pretty to smoke...almost. I also picked up 8oz. of Exhausted Rooster, 2oz. of Mississippi Mud, and 4oz. of SG Chocolate Flake.
I'll add to the pipe theme. I was generously given this Mario Grandi. It's a great smoker and imo, a real looker. I'm a huge fan of birdseye.

So far......

Yamazaki 12 y/o
Speybrun 10
Auchentoshan 10
Glenrothese Select Reserve (hmmm.... might have been the end of may actually)
Brought back a bunch of Cruzan rum while on vacation, the most significant being the Single Barrel. I was shocked at how cheap booze was. I should have brought another suitecase.
I picked up a bottle of Highland Park 15 and several bottles of wine that now escape me. I know a Gascon Malbec Reserve was in there along with some Italian & Spanish red along with a shiraz/cab blend.
I picked up a bottle of Highland Park 15 and several bottles of wine that now escape me. I know a Gascon Malbec Reserve was in there along with some Italian & Spanish red along with a shiraz/cab blend.

Congrats on that HP15. It was my understanding that that's fairly difficult to find now. :thumbup1:
Congrats on that HP15. It was my understanding that that's fairly difficult to find now. :thumbup1:

They were out at all my usual haunts. I actually found it at the little crappy liquor store next to my house when I went to get wine for my wife. I was pretty happy about it.:thumbup:
Glen Garioch 21 y/o. I am unsure whether I will actually drink this as they say it has been impossible to find for some time now. I actually bought the last bottle at a small wine bistro in Anchorage. I am fairly certain I will never see it again.

Aberlour 16: Quickly becoming one of my favorite malts. Undoubtedly, I will soon be seeking other sherry aged malts.

Ballantines 12: For the flask..... I tend to think blends lend themselves well to drinking.
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