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Spanish Floid in modern looking blue bottle?

a while back i saw in the SOTD a Floid aftershave in a dark blue bottle. curious if anyone knows anything about it as i really like the Floid i've tried. thanks
I would say that is the same Floid Blue I was talking about, which is, indeed, and Italian Floid. It may just be in a different bottle. Perhaps it is an EDT? Or maybe there is a Spanish Floid Blue that I've never heard of.

Actually, I just looked at that SOTD post again. The poster calls it Spanish Floid Blue. I don't know anything about it. Maybe shoot a pm to the guy who made that post and ask him?
I've seen that bottle style for sale somewhere. Note that the poster of that SOTD claims that it is from Spain.
I already asked the OP, as this "Spanish Blue Floid" is something like a myth around here, there is always somebody that has a friend who swears saw a bottle in a little shop in....It is indeed Spanish, but he bought it in a Dutch online shop, myself, have never seen it around here, it is like a modern attempt of the Spanish makers of Floid, and my guess is that it was realesed a few years ago but never really succeeded and went back to the original classic design we still see today....
I found one in that Floid BLue bottle. Box reads "Floid Blue" Eau de Toilette. But in the website selling description it also says aftershave. at $50 im still debating it
I found one in that Floid BLue bottle. Box reads "Floid Blue" Eau de Toilette. But in the website selling description it also says aftershave. at $50 im still debating it

This is the pic from the shop I mention above:

The one Im seeing is similar, cant read the bottle clearly but the box says Eau de Toilette. Shop is based in Spain, already sent out a mssg asking if it EDT or Aftershave .Great looking bottle tho.
The one Im seeing is similar, cant read the bottle clearly but the box says Eau de Toilette. Shop is based in Spain, already sent out a mssg asking if it EDT or Aftershave .Great looking bottle tho.

Yes, there is also an Eau de Toilette, as "mythical" as the AS (and I am not spending more than 50€ just to try it!)....

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