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Space Scuttle

Bought a Robert Becker scuttle last night. Got the size medium 'Milky Way'. It's my first scuttle so I can't wait to try it out!
I just received my all black custom made scuttle from Robert the other day and finally got a chance to use it today.

I would say having never used a scuttle before that I probably wouldn't use it every day but rather on the weekends or day when I can kill all the time I want to shaving. It does keep the lather nice and warm, but I put the lid on mine between lathers and messed up my lather as the condensation that formed on the lid ruined my lather making it thin. All in all I really like it but I think I'd rather face lather most days!
I am very fond of my Robert Becker scuttle and use it daily. I predominately face lather and use the scuttle to soak my brush and then refill it and use it to park my brush between passes to keep my lather warm...there is nothing like warm lather. :thumbup: I think that the RB scuttles are great products from a great vendor.


Got my Robert Becker scuttle this week also. I haven't used it yet, been too busy, but am looking forward to it in about an hour or so. I got a large one and boy is it huge, but it should work great for me, I wanted a big one to hold enough lather for 3 passes on my face and 2 on my head.
Debate no more! I would say go for it! :thumbup1:

Yes, go for it. Robert is a great guy to work with and will try to accommodate your special color needs if he has the glaze. I don't think you will be disappointed.


It looks like you got his "Medium" sized scuttle. Does the bowl look big enough to bowl-lather in? I recently got a Dirty-Bird 1.5, and I absolutely love it, but I live out of two locations (not quite ready to take the co-habitational plunge with the GF) and would like to have a scuttle in both places.

I've been thinking of picking up the Becker Scuttle, but wasn't sure which size to get.
I had the pleasure of meeting Robert in person because his studio is conveniently 5 minutes from my school. What an excellent guy he is!

Here's the custom he had made for me:

It looks like you got his "Medium" sized scuttle. Does the bowl look big enough to bowl-lather in? I recently got a Dirty-Bird 1.5, and I absolutely love it, but I live out of two locations (not quite ready to take the co-habitational plunge with the GF) and would like to have a scuttle in both places.

I've been thinking of picking up the Becker Scuttle, but wasn't sure which size to get.
Well, I'm not a bowl-latherer, per se, I'm much more of a face lather but with the onset of winter it seems that one could whip up a fair amount of warm "starting lather" at the very least then face lather, then leave the brush in and go back and forth.

I'll post a full report and hopefully some pics once it arrives and I get some experience with it.
Well, I'm not a bowl-latherer, per se, I'm much more of a face lather but with the onset of winter it seems that one could whip up a fair amount of warm "starting lather" at the very least then face lather, then leave the brush in and go back and forth.

I'll post a full report and hopefully some pics once it arrives and I get some experience with it.

I got it for the novelty but was shocked at how noticeably warm the lather actually becomes.
Yup, nothing like a scuttle to fight the cold winter blues.
Great looking scuttle you have there. Tell us how you like it.
Yup, nothing like a scuttle to fight the cold winter blues.

Yes, exactly! If I'm going to roll myself out of bed at 0600 on a cold, dark winter's morning, I need to have something to motivate me. I figured that warm, awesomely scented superlathers would be just the thing!
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