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SOTD "Free Week" - 9 - 15 September 2013

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Gentlemen, you did an amazing job with the theme week while I was on vacation. There were simply too many incredible shots to single out anyone after I returned. I decided that I'd personally follow the theme that I missed, and I'm starting out my first post-vacation shave also keeping my personal Italian theme going from my vacation. Here's to another great week of shaves!

Sunday 09-08-13. MUSIC: Blondie - Parallel Lines.


Soap from Aleppo - Rooney 1/2 silvertip - Gillette Fat Boy - Gillette Platinum #3 - Pre JASÖN - Shaving cream Castle Forbes Lavender - Alum block - Thayers Original Aloe - ASB Castle Forbes Lavender - ASL Lavanda Ach. Brito.
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Cobra Classic
Feather Professional
Myrsol Emulsion
Simpson Chubby 2 Super
JabonMan Tierra Humeda
Myrsol Agua Balsamica
Unrefined Shea Butter


Simpson Duke 3 pure
Tabac soap
Gillette Goodwill 162
Santa Maria novella emulsione analcolica ASB
Santa Maria Novella melograno ***
Gillette Fusion Proglide
La Roche-Posay Lipikar moisturizing face soap
KIEHL'S Facial Fuel Energizing Face Scrub
PRORASO Shaving Soap Bowl - White range
Omega 621 Pure Badger Shaving Brush
444 After Shave Gel
KIEHL'S Eye Alert
KIEHL'S Facial Fuel Energizing Moisture Treatment for men
KIEHL'S Ultra Light Daily Moisturizer UV Defense SPF 50 PA+++
Eau de Toilette: TERRE D' HERMÈS

Stirling - Mühle Silvertip Fibre - Gillette British Aristocrat #21 - Super Iridium - Miessence AS - Mazzolari edt
Sunday evening:

Solingen 6/8 full hollow
HJM Boar
Aussie Palmolive SS superlathered with Irisch Moos SC
Kiehl's ASB

Pre-shave: Noxema Clean Blemish Control Daily Scrub
Razor: Gillette Super Adjustable
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (Black)
Brush: Rudy Vey Custom w/TGN Two-band
Soap: Body Shop Macca Root Shave Cream
Aftershave: Alum/Thayer's Super Hazel/Ice Blue Aqua Velva
Balm: Nivea Post Shave Sensitive
Simpson Eagle G3 in Best
Martin de Candre
NDC Superspeed/ Super Iridium
Captain's Choice Lime AS
Terre d'Hermes EdP
Monday-Menthol Mania
Prep: Hot Shower
Soap: Stirling Margaritas in the Arctic
Razor: Magard MR1
Blade: Gillette 7 O’Clock Yellow SE
Brush: Omega 10066 Boar

Aftershave: The Shave Den “Barber Shoppe-Iced”

WTG-XTG-ATG (adjusted angle for my beard a bit)

I used the MITA again today. Still a cool menthol “blast”! Third day with the Gillette 7 O’Clock Yellow SE. Nice and sharp. I used the TSD Barber Shoppe-Iced today. This is a great fresh “Barber Shoppe” scent. The additional menthol is “just right”. Great scent, great feel. Left my skin feeling cool and conditioned. Great shave all around.

Now…..coffee…..then San Antonio!


Monday evening:

Razor: HD
Blade: Rapira SS (3)
Cream: JM Fraser
Brush: Vulfix 1000a
A/S: Old Spice Whitewater
ASB: Gaia Organic ASB
Simpson Rover Best
Edwin Jagger Ivory Chatsworth
Personna Med
D.R. Harris Lavender Shaving Soap
Myrsol Formula C
Myrsol Emulsion
9 September 2013

* Weber DLC + UFO U2V1 Graphite Black
* vintage Wilkinson Swords
* WSP 2-band + ER Blue/Brown Mallee
* Mystic Water Sardinian Honey
* Unrefined Shea Butter


September 9, 2013

Dovo Inox
Morris & Forndran Chief Blonde Badger

Art of Shaving Lemon Cream
Myrsol Agua de Limon AS

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Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
​Monsavon Bol a Raser | VintageBlades 20mm | EMIR bakelite + Astra | Proraso AS splash

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Happy Monday y'all! Here's today's shave:

Prep - hot shower
Soap - Creed GIT
Brush - M&F Chief
Razor - GEM Damaskeene, GEM Pella PTFE coated blade
Post - cold water, alum, Kiehl's lotion
EdT - Amouage Reflection Man
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