Is there any corner of the web where I can find vintage stones for sale, other than EBay and Etsy? Auction, BIN, don't really care.........My HAD is raging (and my boss patted me on head and gave me a real nice bonus)......There may be Ark's and Eschers and Thuri's out there that need my love. Having recently discovered the Escher/Thuri family I'm craving more samples.
Due to advanced HAD symptoms, I've forbidden myself to touch, covet, purchase, use or fondle any stone from the Jnat family as a precaution against homelessness.......Good sensible planning there, I'd say.
I just feel like I'm missing something in my searches.....
Due to advanced HAD symptoms, I've forbidden myself to touch, covet, purchase, use or fondle any stone from the Jnat family as a precaution against homelessness.......Good sensible planning there, I'd say.
I just feel like I'm missing something in my searches.....