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Son wants brush upgrade

Now that my son has made a successful transition into DE wetshaving, he wants an upgrade from the Burma Shave brush he currently uses. His birthday is coming up and I want to get him a decent brush without taking out a loan. Any recommendations for something in the $25-$50 range?

Antique Hoosier

Rich... I would keep an eye on the B&B Buy Sell Trade Forum. There have been some fantastic brushes that have been gently used by respected B&B members that have been recently sold for deep discounts to their retail price. I would consider it to be an excellent source for finding brushes. You might end up with a premium brush that would be one that would normally cost above your suggested range simply because a member is "downsizing."
I think a good choice would be a C&E best badger brush at $35, though I seems like they're in limited supply (both online and at retail stores). You may want to see if you can find one near you.

I would also recommend a Savile Row SR-204 which is a super badger from qedusa.com which I believe in an excellent starter brush. It's about $45 if I recall right.

You should email Charles at QED and find out which Saville Row you can get for your price range.

The Saville Row 3118 and 3120 are super nice brushes if you are willing to spend just a tick more.
Personally, if you really want that price range, but are willing to break out to $54, I would get a Shavemac pure. Either from Vintagebladesllc.com for fast easy US shipping, or Shavemac.com, if you want variety of handle options (note the custom section - you can do a "custom" handle for the same $54 as a standard).

Rich --

I'd like to add that in the range of $60~$80, the Omega Silvertips are a great brush and an exceptional value. There are a couple of vendors via Amazon.com. I recommend the models 6212 or 6215. These don't get a lot of press, but I can tell you from experience that either of these are really hard to beat. Sometimes the Amazon vendors run a special and the brushes can be had for less. Even if you end up buying something else, Omega Silvertips are worth consideration.

-- John Gehman, coffee in hand...
Hi Rich

How marvelous to hear that your son is into shaving with a DE. Whatever your choice for his brush, remember that it could and should last many years so I little more money spent now will more than likely pay dividends in the future, ultimately though the choice is yours. A Rooney in Super would make a fabulous gift and need not cost the earth. We wish him well.
Thanks for the helpful suggestions. I will do a bit more research on all the brushes that were recommended. Additional suggestions are welcome. I have another week or so to make up my mind and place an order.
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